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Such a Rude and Noisy Woman novel Chapter 93

"In the early morning

You left me

In this lonely street

I know where I am

I just don't know where I should go..."

The singer sang these lyrics to a beautiful melody. The audience sat in pin-drop silence, mesmerized by her voice. They could almost feel her sadness.

Hiram squinted at the stage, but the singer was standing with her back to the audience. No one could see her face.

Hiram stopped a waiter who was walking past him.

Rachel was about to finish her song when a waiter walked up on stage and handed her a bunch of roses. "Ma'am, this is from a gentleman, " he said.

Rachel was a little surprised but she took the flowers. She looked around the audience but couldn't figure out who the flowers were from. She guessed that they might be from Celine.

When Rachel turned around, she was greeted with great applause and whistles.

No one thought that a woman so good at singing could be so beautiful at the same time.

Rachel smiled and bowed to the audience.

When she went back to her seat, all her team members got onto their feet to welcome her back. Everyone was surprised and impressed by her performance.

"Come on, you guys. I guess I just got lucky. Oh, right. Did you guys give me these flowers? Thank you!" Rachel sniffed the bunch of roses and put them on the empty seat beside her.

Celine shrugged and looked at Fiona and Michael. "Did you guys do that?"

They both shook their heads. "No!" Michael and Fiona exclaimed.

"Enjoy yourself, you guys. I wanna go to the bathroom. I'll join you later, " Rachel said, standing up. It would be a lie if she said that she hadn't felt nervous singing in front of so many people.

She stood in front of the sink in the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Surprisingly, she wasn't blushing too much. She washed her hands and walked out of the bathroom only to find a man in his forties waiting there.

"Ma'am, may I have your phone number? You're a really good singer. Have you ever considered becoming a professional singer? You could be famous, " the man said, giving Rachel his business card.

"Thank you! But no thanks. Singing is just my hobby. I really don't think I want a career in it. Bye." Rachel had a bad feeling about staying here with the man, so she walked towards the exit without taking his card.

"Hang on! Why are you in a rush? If you're free, we could hang out tonight!" The man grabbed her arm and winked at her. Apparently, he was asking her out on a date.

Rachel tried to wrench her arm away but the man's grip was too tight. Just then, someone sprinted towards them and punched the man's face.

The man fell to the floor, passed out.

"Go fuck yourself!" said the tall and strong savior as he kicked the middle-aged man lying on the ground. He turned around and looked at Rachel, Who couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes. All of a sudden, she didn't know where to look.

"Thank you."

It was the only two words she could bring herself to say before walking away.

But when she crossed Hiram, he grabbed her by the arm.

He smiled sadly at Rachel, who was just inches away from him. There seemed to be a lot going on in his mind.

After a long pause, he finally said, "I'm sorry."

Then he let go of Rachel's arm.

Rachel clenched her fists and strode towards the exit. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.

The party in the bar had come to an end.


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