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Sweet Sorrow novel Chapter 120

The driver parked the car and went back to his room to take a shower. Suddenly, his cell phone rang during his shower.

When he heard that it was an exclusive ring designed for Jacob, he turned off the tap in a hurry, rushed out of the bathroom at the fastest speed and answered the phone.

"Mr. Jacob."

Hearing the inquiry from the other end of the phone, the driver subconsciously stood straight. He told Jacob in detail that he had met Selina when he went to pick up Nicole.

"Yes, nothing else."

When the driver heard that Jacob had hung up the phone, he sighed with lingering fear. He couldn't help but feel lucky that nothing had happened that night. Judging from the attitude of care from Jacob, if anything had happened, he would be the one to blame.

After hanging up the phone, Jacob looked much better. He didn't need to care about what Selina said, as long as it was okay with Nicole, everything would be fine.

Jacob was a business man with a strong background. In front of him, he didn't care about the rude and unreasonable behaviors of Selina at all.

Business was a war without bullets. What they fought was tactics and strength. They wanted to win the clients' respect. But if a businessman was scared to death by the women's nonsense, they would only ruin their career.

After a moment of silence, Jacob dialed another number and ordered coldly.

"Protect the Du family. Pay attention to all factors could cause troubles."

"Yes, sir."


Nicole was sleepless all night, but she did not get up late the next day. After she got up early and washed, she warmly greeted the servants who got up early.

Lily was surprised, "Miss Nicole, why do you get up so early today? Breakfast is not ready yet. Please wait for a moment."

Nicole smiled, "it doesn't matter. I'm not hungry. I want to get up and exercise. Do we have fitness equipment here?"

"A gym," said Lily with a pitiful expression. "But there are all kinds of sandbags, which are not suitable for girls."

"Okay, I'll go jogging. Please cook breakfast for me. I'll have breakfast after jogging back." Finishing her words, Nicole waved at Lily and left the villa.

Although she was instructed to stay in the villa by Jacob, she was not really imprisoned. If she wanted to go out, no one would stop her.

The villa was built in the suburb, with beautiful scenery and fresh air. There were few cars on the broad road, and it was especially suitable for running.

Nicole wriggled her wrists, moved her body and ran away.

She suffered from insomnia last night. She had thought a lot. No matter what path she would face in the future, at least she needed to cheer up herself.

Anyway, she couldn't live as a "mistress".

Nicole had never cared much about sports. When she was young, she focused on studying, and after she went to college, she began to focus on being a tutor and work, so she seldom did physical exercises.

Last night, when she was torn up by Selina, she realized that she, a young woman, was actually not as good as an old woman, which really stimulated her.

So Nicole planned to do a good exercise since she was not allowed to do anything else these days. After all, the health is the capital of the country. She had to take care of her mother and brother in the future, and she could not fall ill first.

Nicole ran at an intersection. Afraid that she was lost, she turned around and ran towards the villa.

But when she turned around and took a few steps, she suddenly saw a man in a black T-shirt following her all the way. When she turned around, the man also stopped.


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