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Sweet Sweet Love novel Chapter 192

On the top of the building, with a telescope in their hands, Austin and Yolande looked down at the open car. The Secretary of Aron was sitting in the car. She didn't know that on the top of the building, Yolande was looking at her with a telescope.

After Aron's company was on the right track, Yolande heard that Aron worked overtime and only ate bentos. Then he began to work in a hurry. How could he bear it if it went on like this? It was easy for him to be sick if he couldn't keep up with the nutrition! Yolande felt sorry for Aron. So she cooked a lot of delicious food at home and was going to take them to the company.

Although Aron never ate the food cooked by Yolande. She didn't want her beloved husband to suffer, so she prepared a lot of delicious food for him.

She took it to the company and planned to hand over the food she prepared to the secretary. She asked the Secretary to bring it to Aron. Without knowing it, Aron would eat all the food specially prepared by Yolande.

Yolande handed the lunch box to Aron's secretary who glanced at it.

"What do you mean?"

"Emm Please Give this to my husband Don't say that I did it!"

The Secretary squinted at the cowardly Yolande with a disdainful look.

"So Mrs. Gu always pretended to be so innocent. No wonder Mr. Gu doesn't want to go home. I feel sick to see you!"

The Secretary grabbed the box from Yolande's hand and threw it into a big trash can.

"I'll just throw this for Mr. Gu," she said with a disdainful look and left in her high heels.

During the three years as Mrs. Gu in the Gu family, Yolande had been used to such humiliation, but she still couldn't help feeling sad every time. What on earth did she do wrong? Her beloved husband humiliated her, including the servants of the Gu family and the people around Aron.

Yolande felt desperate. In the past three years and more than 1000 days and nights, she had been suffocating and lonely.

Perhaps, she accidentally touched the deepest pain in her heart, and happened to have a listener beside her. Yolande lowered his head and muttered to herself, telling the painful past.

Austin frowned and looked affectionately at the woman beside him. Her shoulders trembled slightly and she sobbed in a low voice.

The man stretched out his arms and held his beloved woman tightly in his arms. "From now on No one dares to bully you!"

In the three years she had been married to Aron, what kind of life had she lived? She had no taste of a husband's love, a cold and empty villa, as well as humiliation and disdain. Austin could imagine it, but he couldn't understand the pain and despair of Yolande.

Now All he could do was to accompany and protect her.

"Waah... Waah Austin Why are you so good to me? Boo... Hoo... "

"Silly girl..."

Austin sighed and gently stroked Yolande's head.

After crying in Austin's arms for a while, Yolande felt much better. However, her snot and tears rubbed against Austin's expensive suit, and her head came out of his arms. Her eyes were red and moist..

She lowered her head and saw her masterpiece. Well, if she remembered correctly, this suit of Austin was very expensive. She rubbed her nose and tears on his chest. How could he see anyone with this?

"I Sorry Your suit... "

Austin felt a sting in his heart. Was she really sensitive?


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