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Take Me Away novel Chapter 170

Since they parted that day, they had no communication. In the daytime, since Fiona had nothing to do, she took out an album from time to time to paint and write. Sometimes, she would go to cook with the chef team. However, when the crowd looked at her and Spencer, there was always a hint of ambiguity.

The sound from the beach was loud and clear. It had been five days, and Spencer had led a group of people to adjust to the hot sun to do adaptive training. They scrambled to land on the ground, reached the beach defense The female members almost had a breakdown under the pressure training of Spencer. Although they still insisted, they were more or less complaining in their hearts.

Spencer had been accompanying the training, rushing at the front no matter what happened. It seemed that he was crazy.

"How's Sarah recently?" After lunch that day, Fiona called Ruby.

"Sarah is good these days. She is having fun with the children from the orphanage."

"That's good." Fiona nodded quietly. "I'm on a training outside this week and I can't go back. Ruby, I have to bother you for another week."

"Fiona, what else are you polite to me." Ruby sighed and said, "All you need to do is to take good care of yourself. I was afraid that you might be too tired. "

"I'm fine." Fiona replied with a slight smile.

"But Sarah asks you when you can come back from time to time. Although she's a good girl, she still makes a scene before she goes to sleep."

"Thank you so much, Ruby." It made Fiona's heart ache to hear that.

"I'm not complaining to you. You know how much I love home Sarah." Said Ruby. She signed again, "I just think you can't go on like this. Sarah just has you as a family member. If you don't spare more time to be with her, how poor she is!"

"I know." "It won't take a long time," Fiona said, biting her lips Soon, she would leave

"Well, Fiona," Ruby wanted to say something, but finally she got the chance to ask, "Since Sarah is already a child, you can't live with her like this for the rest of your life, can you? The Cheng family Don't you ever think about finding Mr. Spencer again? "

Fiona's heart seemed to have been sliced by a knife. As she raised her head, she just saw the tall and strong Spencer. "Something has passed, I hope I can never see him again."


"Miss Fiona! Come here! "

Before Ruby could say more, Fiona saw that Janice was waving her hand to call her. She quickly said on the phone, "Ruby, I have something to do, let's call you later."

"Well, go ahead!" Ruby sighed as the phone was cut off. The other day, Ethan had told her everything about Spencer. It turned out that Spencer had lost his memory and had been recuperating abroad. He had just returned home a year ago. Three years ago, the Cheng family was hit hard for a while. Wayne and Spencer had an accident almost at the same time. The Cheng family only relied on Ethan to deal with it. He couldn't go back to find Fiona. He didn't want her to be involved in more official businesses. Moreover, before the accident, Spencer had divorced with Fiona.

So Ethan had been waiting for Spencer to come back to find Fiona and the new members of the Cheng family when his brain was strong enough to take more things.

Ruby turned around and walked back. She remembered what Ethan told her before, "Leave it to these two people. It's their own business! Whether Spencer could regain his memory or not, or whether Fiona was willing to take Sarah back to the Cheng family, it was their own decision and the outsiders couldn't do anything. What we have to do can only wait. "

On the sea training field, Fiona ran to Janice and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Let's have a mobilization meeting tonight!" Janice frowned, "We are all tired recently. Mr. Spencer's training is too hard for us."

Fiona looked at the where Spencer and the female members were.

"The last one today, three kilometers swimming training." Spencer walked to the front of the line and added, "There is a yacht which is about 1500 meters away from the shore. You can see it with your own eyes. It's a flag on the yacht. When you swim to there and then go back which means that today's training is over. Do you understand?"

"Got it!"

The group of people started off in the sea. Fiona collected her gaze and said, "Okay."

"Then get yourself ready." Janice gave her a pat on her shoulder and said, "I'm leaving too."

"Come on!"

Fiona saw that Janice ran away and rushed into the sea and swam away. All swimming training is to be carried out in uniform without any equipment...

Spencer took off his heavy Martin boots and followed his these female members.

Since the wind was strong in the sea, after they swam one kilometer, some female members gradually lost the strength to keep up and slowed down.

"You'll be back after five hundred meters." Spencer followed them in the back of the team, he could have swum to the front to lead the way for them, but on second thought, he thought it would be better to stay back and encourage them. So he said, "You slow down now. Don't you want to go back to the bank?"

"Ma'am, ma'am..." One of them was out of breath. "Aren't you tired?"

"I'm a human, so I certainly feel tired. But does it work? You can't take a rest even if you are tired! " With all his strength, Spencer waved his arms and swam forward for another ten meters before stopping. Turning around and floating on the sea, he said, "Since you have made your choice, you must have greater endurance than ordinary people!"

Those female members swam to keep swimming by Spencer's encouragement.

"I, I cannot swim any more..." However, one of them stopped on the surface because she was discouraged. "I have to rest. Rest..."

"Are you really going to give up?" Spencer swam back to that person and asked, "What's your name?"

"Mr. Spencer!" The female team member gasped for breath. "My name is Crystal Zhang."

"Are you Crystal Zhang?" Spencer said coldly, "You keep swimming now. Otherwise, quit the exercise dill. I have told you that I don't want to a useless man. "


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