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Tangled Up In Blue novel Chapter 183

Knock! Knock! Knock!

At the same time, there was a knock on the door of the CEO's office of the SG group. Malcolm was reading the last file that needed to be dealt with today. Without raising his head, he said in a casual tone, "come in."

"Mr. Mo." As soon as the door was opened and then closed, Sean's voice rang out from the opposite side of the desk. "I have investigated everything you ordered. These are the materials." As he spoke, he handed the thick document forward.

He put the documents down at once. Hearing his words, Malcolm raised his head and took a deep look at the document bag. Suddenly, he felt a bit nervous. While he took the files, he said, "you say."

"Yes." Sean pondered for a while and said, "I have found out the relationship between Mrs. Mo and Amanda, Emily's mother, and they are Mother daughter relationship. "

Just as Sean was speaking, Malcolm was taking out a document. His heart jolted all of a sudden as his eyes swept over the document. Both his vision and hearing were impacted at the same time.

Because on the top of the document, the section of Poppi's paternity test was filled with the name of Amanda Zheng, and the section of the father It was Andrew Qiu!

Malcolm's hand trembled, he stared at the names of Poppi's parents as if he wanted to make a hole on the paper.

Judging from the unusual behave of Aunt. Pei that day, there must be something fishy. But it seemed that the thing was unexpected. 'what's more, Andrew is not Poppi's uncle, but her father?'?


Being stunned for two seconds, Malcolm began to read the documents quickly. His eyebrows frowned deeper and deeper. The sound of pages turning and Sean's calm voice intertwined.

"Amanda and Andrew were married before. And soon after they got married, she had a baby, and the baby was Mrs. Mo. However, when Amanda had been pregnant for three months, she suddenly heard that Andrew had a car accident and died. She was so sad at the news that her baby was too weak to bear it. Her family advised her to have an abortion and marry another man, but Amanda refused. She was hospitalized for recuperation. "

"Later, Emily's father, Bob Pei, appeared. He had a love affair with Amanda and took good care of her when she was pregnant. He showed his love to her frequently, thus they fell in love with each other again as a matter of course. Bob had been staying with Amanda to give birth to the baby, but he didn't allow Amanda to take care of that child. Amanda Zheng I don't know what she is thinking. She gave birth to the baby and didn't want to raise it either. "

"When we investigated, the nurse who delivered the child for Amanda at that hospital has clearly remembered what happened twenty-six years ago. She said that after the child was born, Amanda left with Bob without even looking at her, weak as she was."

"The shares in the hand of Mrs. Mo are her biological father. The custody of the shares were left by Andrew, not by Wayne. Andrew and Wayne are biological brothers. When Wayne got married, he was short of money and made a deal with Amanda. She didn't want Andrew's heritage, but gave her children to Wayne. And Wayne also enjoyed the rights and interests of the Quan Group

"Wayne is addicted to gambling and often beats and scolds his wife. But his wife is gentle and kind. She acts as a mother to take care of Mrs. Mo. After Mrs. Mo was one year old, Wayne's wife got pregnant and her child was Miss. Celine. "

"Not long after your birth, the wife of Wayne shot herself to suicide for postpartum depression. The death of his wife had taught Wayne a lesson. He began to take good care of Mrs. Mo and Miss. Celine. However, he was still addicted to gambling and drinking. In fact, he has treated Mrs. Mo and Miss. Celine differently in the past years. "

"There was no further investigation on the matter after that."

Sean said slowly. He was supposed to say that in a emotionless tone, but it was too much to say that he was defending Poppi.

Malcolm knew that the Wayne never liked their elder daughter. When Malcolm contacted with Celine four years ago, the Wayne often scorned or shifted the topic when speak of Poppi. It turned out that things had a cause and everything was reasonable.

Malcolm felt irritated and tossed the document bag aside even if he had not finished reading it. His voice was with subdued anger. "How could such a person be a mother?"

Sean lowered his head and pursed his lips. Hesitantly, he asked, "does Amanda come back for Mrs. Mo?"

Malcolm snorted. "Besides this, there is no other reason for her to leave comfortable foreign country and go back to the sad Ye city."

Then he glanced at the files scattered on the table, which happened to be a photo of the family photo. The arm of Uncle Pei rested on Aunt. Pei's shoulders. Aunt. Pei held Emily, who was one or two years old, and they smiled happily to the camera.

How ironic!

"Does Amanda dote on Emily?" Malcolm asked again.

"…… Yes. " Sean nodded. He said flatly, "Bob and Amanda don't have any other child. So they are very fond of their only daughter."

The only daughter!

Malcolm curled his lips coldly, "since you were so cruel before, why did you regret it so many years ago? It's too late. There's no need for it."

He would make up for Poppi in double what he had got for her and no one else.

"Not let her know," After a pause, Malcolm said coldly, "destroy the file and do not tell Poppi. As for Amanda, don't give her any chance to approach Poppi. "

"Yes, Mr. mo."

At this moment, his phone rang

The phone suddenly rang. When Malcolm realized that it was a video call from Poppi, he waved his hand and asked Sean to leave first. After tidying up the documents on the table, Sean bowed slightly, retreated, and walked out of the door with the documents.


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