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The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply novel Chapter 7

《 Aurora’s pov 》


The packhouse was awfully quiet even though it was already past midnight. It was very strange. Usually, there would be the howl of a patrolling wolf outside every five minutes. But tonight, it was complete silence.


I turned over in my makeshift bed. It was very cold tonight. It didn’t help that I had water spilled over my body earlier. Even though I had a warm shower a few minutes ago, it didn’t quite help my case.


I fisted my hands together and brought them to my mouth to blow. It was a miracle I wasn’t dead yet or had gotten frostbite.


I groan lowly when I fisted my throbbing hand too tightly. I should’ve really begged Gomery to allow me to pick some herbs to create a healing balm. I was afraid the color of my hand would stay so red.


“Maybe it would’ve been better if I was dead,” I whispered but my heart leaped when I heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Whoever it was, sounded in a hurry.


Maybe it was Gomery, she did look like she wasn’t satisfied with my punishment tonight. Maybe she came back to give me more.


The thought had my heart quickening and my bones turning cold. I didn’t want to feel the pain tonight, my throbbing hand was enough for me to bear.


I held my breath when my door is thrust open and the silhouette of someone familiar enters the cramped small space. This is when I wished I had those senses like the wolves.


From what I could tell, the person was certainly female. And as they neared the breath I had been holding lets out as Cassandra’s face pops into my vision.


“Cas- ” I started but she cuts me off quickly while looking behind her.


“No time to talk, we need to get you out of here, now.” She whispers in a rushed tone that spiked my fear.


I force myself to sit up, wincing when she grips my badly throbbing hand. She snaps her head down to my hand and sniffs. “What did they do to you?” She growls, the gold in her eyes flickering in the dark.


” It doesn’t hurt that bad.” I lied. I had unwrapped the wet cloth I had on since the Luna was repulsed by the sight of it.


Snarling Cas fought to control her wolf. “Ro, calm down,” I whispered. I didn’t want Cas to get into trouble for the sake of me.


“We need to go now Aurora,” Ro demanded, her eyes growing golden until it suddenly diminishes.


I’m confused by her urgency. “Did something happen to Ama?” I whispered in fright and let her help me rise to my feet.


“No. I will explain on the way. But for now, keep your voice low and walk as quickly as you can.” Cas whispered and pulls me out of my room.


“I don’t understand,” I whispered looking around the empty halls. The entire place was dead silent. Unusual. I know for certain there are mated couples who love to mate at this time and disturb others’ sleep.


She rushes me downstairs and I fought to keep up with her rushing footsteps. “Cas what’s going on?!” I urged her to answer me.


Since Cassandra and her parents were deemed the omegas of the pack, they were not allowed to sleep inside the walls of the packhouse. They were allowed to come in and do chores, eat dinner but that was about it.




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