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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 61


The pack house is a buzz with preparations for my birthday party taking place this evening. I can’t get any work done in my office due to it being too noisy, so instead, I spend the day on the training field. I’ve taken over training the females until they can move on to Cam’s training classes. I don’t like sticking the females that have had little to no training in with the experienced group. They tend to feel embarrassed because they don’t know what they are doing, and so we have training levels for everyone.

I have both Aspen and Kimber in this training class, and they are doing exceedingly well. The only thing that bothers me is that Kimber is very quiet, even when training, she barely makes a sound. If she gets hurt, she doesn’t cry out, grunt, or anything. It’s a bit daunting when training someone and you don’t know whether it’s too much or not.

When I turn my attention to Kimber and another she-wolf, I notice that Kimber has a slight limp on her left side. I call a timeout and head over to the two women. I don’t say anything as I bend down and pull Kimber’s sock away from her ankle. Not only is it swollen, but it’s already turning black and blue.

“What the hell happened, Kimber?” I look up from where I’m squatting, but all she does is shrug. “When did it happen?”

*About forty minutes ago.” She states quietly.

I can feel my eyes bulge out of my head. Standing up, the she-wolf is a little taller than I am, but I don’t care, I glare up at her, “You can seriously injure yourself by continuing to train on this ankle! Your wolf can’t heal it if you keep reinjuring it, Kimber.”

“I’m fine, Alpha.” She bows her head, not wanting to look at me.

“Sit your ass down and don’t move!” I growl, and then I look around until I see Aspen training with her partner, “Aspen, come here!” I holler out across the field.

I send Kimber’s partner over to train with Aspen’s and then wait for the she-wolf to bounce her way over to us. I swear, these to women are complete opposites. Kimber is quiet and keeps to herself, whereas Aspen never shuts up and is a ball full of energy, but they are both nice as can be and very respectful.

“Yes, Alpha?” Aspen responds but then sees her twin sitting on the ground and she frowns, “What’s going on?”

“That’s what I would like to know, but Kimber doesn’t seem to want to talk to me.” I glance down at the she-wolf and can see that she is almost in tears. I call over one of the males, “I need you to carry Kimber to my office please.” I tell him, but when he bends down to pick her up, she begins to freak out.

“No, please! Just don’t touch her!” Aspen calls out frantically.

I’m stunned at what I just witnessed, and I nod to the male, indicating that he can leave. I lower my voice, so only the twins can hear me,”1 think the two of you best be telling me what’s going on, but I don’t want your sister to put pressure on her ankle. You and I will have help her to my office, or at least somewhere more private.”

Aspen nods and then we each take a side and help Kimber up off the ground, “Here, I will give her a piggyback ride.” Aspen states, so I help Kimber jump up onto her sister’s back. Instead of going upstairs to my office, I bring them into the rec room since it’s empty at the moment.

I wait until Aspen puts Kimber down onto one of the chairs, “Alright, one of you better start talking, and don’t leave anything out.”

I feel like a total bitch after glancing at Kimber and seeing the tears glistening in her eyes. Her sister’s voice draws my attention away from her, though, as Aspen begins talking, “Kimber was born with a medical condition. She has a very high pain tolerance. Her ankle: the reason she continued to train is because she didn’t know that she had injured it because she didn’t feel any pain.”

I glance over at Kimber, “But I saw you limping on it. You didn’t feel the pain then either?”

Kimber shakes her head, and Aspen goes on, “She was limping because her body knew it couldn’t take the full weight, I’m guessing. It’s happened before, where she had popped her knee out of place but never felt the pain. Her body just adjusts to it.”

“Could it be her wolf that is realizing it and having her limp? But if it is, then why doesn’t her wolf tell her she is injured?” I ask looking back and forth between the two of them.

“Silver hasn’t uttered a word to Kimber since the incident occurred.” Aspen bites her lower lip.

“Incident? Can you be more specific?” I ask becoming a bit annoyed at not being told everything right from the beginning. I can’t help or protect my pack if they keep stuff from me.

Aspen glances over at Kimber, and the twin nods at her, so she turns back to me, “Kimber’s wolf hasn’t talked to her since the night Kimber was raped. It’s been two years now, and ever since, Kimber just keeps getting quieter and quieter. She used to be all bubbly and out going all the time, but now she sticks to herself and with me. She freaks out when a male touchess her, even if it’s a simple handshake.”

Now I really feel like a total ass! “i’m sorry, Kimber, I didn’t know. I wish you had told me this from the beginning, so I could have handled everything better.” I go and sit down beside her, “You need to talk to me in the future because I can’t help you if I don’t know anything. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Yes, Alpha.” She says softly

“Okay, well then, you both know that my party is in a few hours, and I want to see both of you there! So, we are going to get Kimber up to your room so she can rest her ankle. That way it will be healed by the time the party starts. As for the other issue, I understand that it’s going to take time, but I trust every single male in my pack, and I can promise you, that none of them will hurt you, especially in that way.”


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