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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 67



(Continue at your own discretion)

"Hello, Quinn. Miss me?" Jasper walks deeper into my cell, bringing him closer to me.

"What do you want with me, Jasper?" I croak.

"That's Alpha to you, my dear, and this will be the only time that I remind you nicely." He waits until the she-wolf pulls the plastic out from under me, and then sits down on the edge of the bed. His eyes sweep over my naked form, and he licks his lips salaciously, "I'm going to have so much fun fucking you. The great Alpha Quinn, the one so many are talking about because of your rise from orphan to Alpha. Now, you're nothing but my slave whore."

My hope for talking him into letting me go just went down the drain. I don't know why he is so obsessed with me, "You can do your worst, Alpha, but I will never bend to you willingly."

His face lights up with a big smile, "I love it when they fight, it gets me worked up even more." His hand snakes out and cups my breast as he runs a thumb over my nipple. There is no reaction, and he frowns, "I'd fuck you now, but I want to make sure you're not carrying anybody else's pup. I have it on good authority that you have seen the same doctor as that Luna whore, and we all know how that went, don't we, Quinn."

"If it's money that you want, I'm sure both Storm River and Blue

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River will pay you! I will pay you, Jasper! You don't have to do this!" I plead, but pain slices across my face as he backhands me.

"I told you, it's ALPHA to you!"

I taste the metallic from my blood right away, as I lick the corner of my lip, "No real Alpha would ever treat a woman like this." I must be a glutton for punishment the way I run my mouth, "A real Alpha protects not hurts, so no, I will never call you Alpha!" I spit the blood that's pooling inside my mouth, out at him.

He stands up right away, smearing my blood across his cheek as he tries to wipe it off. He turns to the she-wolf still in the cell with us, "Go get Doc and have him draw her blood. I want the results within the hour!" He then walks out of the cell without looking at me again.

The she-wolf grins down at me, "I'd hate to be in your position right now. Alpha will not go easy on you. You keep pissing him off and it will only get worse for you." She then leaves, locking the cell door behind her.

A middle-aged male comes into my cell about twenty minutes later, carrying a basket with everything he needs to draw my blood. He doesn't look like he's a bad guy, and when his eyes meet mine, I can sense his regret. He doesn't want to be doing this either, so it makes me wonder how many more are like him here, wherever here may be. I try talking to him but he's tight-lipped, not saying a word to me.

As soon as he has a vial of my blood, he slaps a Band-Aid on me and then leaves. I close my eyes, but I can't sleep, too many thoughts are going through my head. I really hope that the guys can find me, and soon, because Jasper is so fucked in the head. I

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wish he would have died right along with his father that day.

When the door opens again, in walks a smirking Jasper. He doesn' t say a word as he comes over to me and uncuffs one of my ankles. I furrow my brows at him, but then my eyes widen when he climbs up and in between my legs. I start to kick out with my free leg, but then the she-wolf from earlier is there, taking hold of it and spreading me wide open.


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