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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 126

One-Hundred Twenty-Five: Stuck Inside


All of us ladies had big plans for today. That was until mother nature decided it would be better if it rained. There was a loud clap of thunder, and a large flash of lightning flew across the sky. It was actually really pretty to watch. When the storm hit early this morning, it was assumed that Mykenzie and Kylani were in a bad mood. However, it turns out they are not responsible for this storm. I am watching the weather station, and they say this could go on for the next two to three days. I don’t care. I like it when it rains. Besides, we live in the pacific northwest, and we all should be used to the rain by now. I am reading a book out on the enclosed back porch when I feel the small couch move. I already know who it is. I can smell his apple and spice sent.

“Whatcha reading?” Brighton asks.

“I found a book on mythology. It’s funny to read about all of the gods.” I tell him.

I have been reading it for a few hours now, and I have actually laughed out loud at some parts. Reading about some of the gods and how they acted is hilarious. If they only knew and saw what I have seen they would have to rethink their beliefs in the gods. What got to me is that I have never heard of or seen the triplets in any books. Even when we learned about this in school, they were never mentioned. I asked Athena about this when she came for a visit about a week or so ago.


I had been sitting out by the pool when Athena walked up. I did a double-take because I was not used to seeing her. She doesn’t visit that often. She is one of my favourites. I laughed so hard the first time that she came down to meet Ashton after he and Jailynn found each other. I have never seen him so nervous. I watch her take a seat in one of the chairs by me under the umbrella.

“Looks like that book is interesting.” Athena comments.

“Yeah I have all of the sudden taken a lot of interest in mythology,” I tell her.

“ I am confused though. In all the books that I have read and when we were taught in school none ever mention the triplets.” I say to her.

“That’s because we purposely kept them out of any oral or written stories. Remember they aren’t supposed to exist.” She replies.

I let that run through my head, and then I realized that it was true. They purposely kept the triplets hidden from people.


It is still hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I know real gods and goddesses. When I first met the three at the gym, I could tell they differed from everyone else. I automatically tried to scent what they were. I knew they weren’t human, but they had no scent. That confused the hell out of me. I couldn’t figure out how or why they didn’t have a scent. It was Chris that talked to me first. He was so friendly and outgoing that it was hard not to like him. Then when he introduced me to his sisters, I wasn’t so sure about them. They were much more reserved. That was until I got to know them. When Chris explained to me what they were after I had seen Kylani’s start glowing. I have to admit when he first explained to me what they really were, I thought he was crazy. That thought disappeared when they showed me what they could do. When all this shit started, I knew they could help our pack. I had no idea that Kylani would be Kaleb’s mate. Hell, I hadn’t even known he had found her. He never said anything, but until I brought them around, all he ever picked up was her scent. These last three years have been crazy, but I wouldn’t change anything. I feel my book removed from my hands.

“Come on let's go inside,” Brighton says.

I nod, and we walk back into the packhouse. I wonder what chaos is happening in there now.


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