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The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series) novel Chapter 79

Seventy-Eight: The Island Part 2


Damn, this is super awesome. I mean, seriously, dragons. I mean, the werecats are cool as fuck, but meeting dragons. I never thought that I would meet them. Fuck I thought they were all dead. Leave it to my goddess to secretly hide dragons. I can tell she is still irritated from earlier. I knew these three were going to argue, so I figured a nice hard smack to her sexy ass would stop it. Okay, so maybe I wanted to touch her ass, but she’s my goddess, so I can touch when I want. When she sat by Marcus, I knew she was trying to get a rise out of me. I saw him roll his eyes at her. I almost burst out laughing when Blake picked her up and dropped her into my lap. I instantly wrapped my arms around her, making her stay right here. I know she can get out of my arms if she wants, but she doesn’t.

“Don’t worry I will make sure your ass and the rest of his delicious body feel better later,” I whisper into her ear.

I feel her sit up straight in my arms once she registers what I am implying. Then she relaxes into me. I love how she looks when carrying my pups, but I love how horny she is when she is pregnant.

-Stop with the flirting right now. We have more important issues to discuss than you fucking your woman in front of us - Dustin

Seriously did he just mind link me to not fuck her now. I have no intention of fucking her right here. No one else can see her naked but me. He does have a point. I am glad when the werecats decide to come to the packhouse and meet the rest of us. I can tell the others are still cautious. I totally understand why. I keep getting strange looks from Draydon and it’s starting to make me nervous. It is also starting to irritate me. I want to ask him what the fuck, but I also don’t want a repeat of what happened the first time we met Jason and Marcus. I am not sure what would happen if we got into a standoff. I sure as hell don’t need Kylani hurting him to protect me. He is a dragon and probably strong as hell, but let’s be real. Kylani can take out anything.

“You remind me of someone,” Draydon says.

I look over at him and he is staring at me. Who the hell could I possibly remind him of? I hear Dimitri laugh. I almost forgot he was here. He has been silent all night. I see Draydon look between Dimitri and me, and his eyes go wide. What the hell is going on.

“No, but he is one of the souls we split to protect this girl. He is a direct descendant of ours. That’s why he looks so much like him.” Dimitri explains.

What is he talking about? Who the fuck do I look like. I do look more like mom’s side of the family. I have her dark hair and skin tone. I have dad’s eyes though. I am also built like my mom’s side of the family.

“You look almost identical to Dominick, Dimitri’s late brother,” Bryn says.

Then I remember when Aphrodite visited me in the hospital when we found out Kylani was pregnant with Jordyn.

*You actually look a lot like Dominick. - Aphrodite*

Well, I have no idea what to say about this. I guess it makes sense. I mean, mom is related to them. I still don’t fully understand but who am I to argue. Those two did what they did to protect Chris, Kylani, and Mykenzie, and I am thankful for that. I do have to admit that I have always felt different from the rest of the pack. I am also for a beta stronger than normal. I can actually beat Dustin when we spar against each other. That was a big surprise when it first happened. I think everyone thought I might challenge him to be alpha, but I have no desire to be alpha. Being beta is stressful enough. I did ask mom and dad about it, but they couldn’t explain it. Dad was beta to Uncle Reece when he was alpha. We all sit up and look around because we can feel a new presence. I look at Kylani and Mykenzie; they don’t seem to be worried about the present, so it must not be dangerous.

“You look identical to him because that moron split his soul to protect my daughter. That is why he didn’t survive the fight or want to survive. He knew if he survived then she may not ever find her other half.” Aphrodite explains.

“WHAT?” Dimitri yells.

“I take it you didn’t know what he did,” Aphrodite says.

“No, all he told me was that it was one of our direct descendants.” He comments.

I hear Kylani and Mykenzie gasp and she turns to look at me. I swear if she starts crying I am going to lose my mind. I hate it when she cries, it tears my heart out. I look at Dustin, and he has the same horrified look on his face. None of us guys like when any of these girls cry.

“I just figured it out two days ago. That fight should have never killed him no matter how bad the wound was. That’s when Hecate came to me and told me what he did. I guess when I was pregnant with these three he could feel a weird pull towards me. He couldn’t figure out why. Hecate told me he always felt very protective of Kylani but couldn’t figure out why. Remember after you two split the souls he always seemed weaker but not. That’s because he gave half his soul to protect her. Remember when you found him and Hecate was there with you. Well before you showed up he told her that he realized at that time that Kylani was his mate.” She explained.

“I never felt that way about him. I mean, I loved him in a brother kind of way, but not like that. Kylani admits.

I sit here in complete silence. My goddess had a mate, but he never realized it.

“He knew that and he knew why. It was because he had already given half his soul to soul to you. You wouldn’t feel the bond because of that. That’s why he wouldn’t let Dimitri call you two so you could save him.” Aphrodite explains.

“You probably did love him in that way but because of this, you wouldn’t have recognized it. Kaleb, you are basically the reincarnation of Dominick. That is also the reason you have more strength than a normal beta. Dominick was an alpha as was/is Dimitri. They are my two original creations there for, they have the strongest alpha blood running through them.” She says.

All eyes turn to me, and I feel very weird right now. Kylani is still looking at me like I am some sort of weirdo. What if she doesn’t want me anymore now? She didn’t love him like that. Fuck, what if she realizes she doesn’t love me like that. If she leaves me, I will fucking die. My mind is racing with all these thoughts.

-Stop with those fucking idiotic thoughts. Mom is right. I probably did have feelings for him, but I never felt them. I love you more than life. I will never go anywhere.- Kylani


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