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The Billionaire's Kick Ass Wife (Isabella Thompson) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Shouldn’t Have Offended Her

Draxton gave off a cool aura. Since he had decided to marry Isabella and acknowledge Ricky as his biological son, he had to keep them safe. He could not let them go through the slightest suffering.

The clan was very big and complicated. It was inevitable for people to forget their places on account of their contributions.

He did his utmost to soften his tone as he asked, “Is it because of Veronica?”

Isabella did not answer him. It was definitely because of Veronica Lockwood.

One Veronica Lockwood was nothing. She was afraid more “Veronica Lockwoods” would appear eventually. They might be even harder to handle than her.

She did not like attracting unnecessary troubles and did not want to make an enemy of the man, but it did not mean that she was a coward in any way.

She was not afraid to leave the man if she had to come to that.

Isabella lowered her eyes and avoided making eye contact with his frosty eyes.

Draxton could sense a cold distant attitude radiating from her.

If marrying the man meant she and Ricky were destined to be unhappy, she saw no reason to be with him.

Ricky interrupted the silence and said in a serious tone, “I don’t like that woman. I’m not going to school anymore.”

Isabella looked at Ricky. She knew Ricky was a decisive child. If he wanted something, he was always able to express himself clearly. He never settled for second best.

Draxton surprisingly did not get angry. Instead, he praised Ricky for his action and said, “If you don’t like the woman, you don’t ever have to see her again. However, you still have to attend kindergarten.”

Ricky glanced at Draxton and pursed his lips, without saying a word.

Isabella embraced Ricky lovingly and didn’t say anything.

When they got back to Northernville Manor, Isabella brought Ricky upstairs. She didn’t cast a single look at Draxton the entire time.

Cooper could sense something wrong with the atmosphere when Isabella and Draxton got back. “Chieftain, what’s wrong? Did you get into a fight with Miss Thompson?” asked Cooper worriedly.

Draxton replied, “Cooper, I heard Henry Lockwood did not make many contributions in recent years.

“Henry Lockwood?” Cooper paused briefly. Something dawned on him after he connected the dots. “Chieftain, I heard Henry’s daughter is the vice-principal of the kindergarten. After Owen retires, Veronica will take over his position. Do you want to…”

Draxton replied mildly, “As upper management of North Star Group, he has nothing to show for it. Instead, he has learned to use his power to bully the weak. People like them have no place in the kindergarten or North Star Group.”

A sympathetic look swept across Cooper’s eyes. If he was not mistaken, Veronica must have done something wrong today.

“Got it. Chieftain, I will call the person in charge of North Star Group now,” said Cooper.

Draxton said, “Tell Alan to investigate Henry thoroughly. Make sure he doesn’t have the chance to argue when the time comes.”

“Yes, Chieftain.” Cooper paused briefly. The Lockwood family was a large clan. It was only natural that some people had their hands dirty.

If the chieftain wanted to take down Henry Lockwood, he had to use the skeletons in Henry’s closet against him.

The chieftain had made up his mind to take out Henry and his family for good.

If Veronica knew the consequences of her actions today, he wondered if she would live to regret it.

Alan worked quickly. Before long, Henry’s shady secrets were openly exposed. In an instant, Henry was at a


He looked at the person in charge of North Star Group, Noah Lockwood. Whatever it is, I’m your elder How could you do this to me out of the blue?”

Noah glanced at him mockingly and said, “That was not what I intended”

“What is the meaning of this?” Henry was stunned by the news

“Was it the chieftains idea then?”

Henry spoke in astonishment, “How is this possible? I have dedicated my entire life to North Star Group. Even if I have made mistakes, you can’t deny all my efforts!”

The mocking look on Noah’s face deepened Well, there’s clearly a problem with your perspective. Have you ever seen the company hiring people who don’t do real work?

Your age is catching up to you. All these years, you have made zero accomplishments. Instead, you kept holding people back

Look at this evidence. Any of them is enough to send you to prison for life.

“Do you want to leave North Star Group quietly? Or do you prefer to get thrown into jail publicly? It’s down to you’

Henry’s face turned ghastly pale. He looked at Noah and asked, “Are these options really the only way out? Isn’t there any other choice?”

A solemn look appeared on Noah’s face. He said coldly, “I have already put in a good word on your behalf. If it were not for me, do you think you would have any choices at all? Just look at Freddie and the others.” Hepty broke out in a cold sweat. His lips trembled before he finally said, “Okay. I get it. I will resign from my post.

Noah smiled. “You have made an excellent choice.”

Henry looked at him intently. He asked, “Noah, aren’t you going to at least tell me why the chieftain suddenly wants to do this to me?”

Noah’s lips curved upwards looking at him. He replied, “People should really abide by their duties. Instead of talking too much, people should just do their work dutifully. Don’t you agree?”

Henry lowered his eyes. He turned and left without saying a word.

All these years, he had been misusing his seniority in North Star Group and did a lot of wrongs.

Some junior employees probably did not like what Henry was doing and reported on him behind his back.

Henry closed his eyes and was overwhelmed with regret.

After Henry submitted his resignation, North Star Group approved it without hesitation. So, Henry did not linger and left the company on the very same day.

By the time Henry got home, he looked like he had grown 10 years older.

When he got home, he could hear his daughter crying miserably inside the residence.

Veronica sat across from her mother as she spoke in a shrill indignant tone.

“Mom, when Dad gets back, he has to handle this and seek justice for me. I didn’t do anything wrong. How could the kindergarten fire me for no reason?”

Her mother comforted her daughter as she said, “Absolutely, my dear. When your father gets home from work, I will tell him about what happened. Why don’t you stop crying first? If all else fails, we can always ask your father to speak to the chieftain about this.”

Henry stood at the entrance. The moment he heard his wife and daughter’s conversation, his face looked stunned.

His wife turned her head and saw Henry standing there. She could not help saying in surprise, “What are you doing here? Why did you get off work so early?”

Henry did not answer his wife. Instead, he looked at his agitated daughter.

The moment Veronica saw Henry come home, she promptly told him about her predicament. However, he interrupted him.

“Did you get fired by the kindergarten?” Henry looked at Veronica cautiously.

Veronica failed to detect anything amiss with her father. Instead, she complained in resentment, “Uh-huh. The kindergarten fired me out of the blue. They claimed that I have questionable character and failed my duties. I clearly did a good job at the kindergarten. I’m telling you. This is pure slander.”

Henry looked at her in astonishment as he asked, “What have you done recently? Did you offend someone unknowingly?”

A bewildered look emerged on Veronica’s face. “How is that possible? Who could I possibly offend? I didn’t do anything at all!”

“Why would the kindergarten want to fire you then? I have worked for North Star Group for a long time. Why would the chieftain decide to make me leave?

“I thought someone from North Star Group was behind my downfall. From the looks of it now, it didn’t start with me. Instead, you were the problem.

“Veronica Lockwood, I already told you to keep a low profile in public and at work. Tell me what you have done recently. What could have possibly made the chieftain wage war on our family without warning?”

Veronica and her mother were taken aback by the news.


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