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The Billionaire's Pretend Wife (Isabella) novel Chapter 17

Isabelle came to her feet when Jason got to their table, and so did Seth beside her.

“Good afternoon. Ms Cruz,” he greeted. “How is your first day going?”

“Good afternoon, Mr Del Mundo,” she replied, smiling at him. “Good so far.”

“Are you having any problems? Is anyone giving you a hard time?” he asked, a serious look on his face.

His serious expression and firm words surprised Isabelle a little. Sure, he had been so helpful during the interview process so it shouldn’t be a surprise, but he sounded very concerned. His manner implied that he was concerned in her not just because she was an employee, but almost as if he had a personal investment in her.

Before she could assure him that she wasn’t having any trouble at all, Seth spoke to him. “You don’t need to worry about that, Mr Del Mundo. If Ms Cruz runs into any problems, I’ll help her through.”

Jason turned to Seth and noticed how he hovered over Isabelle, as though protectively. He cleared his throat and looked between the two. “Do you two know each other?”

Seth nodded. “Yes. We were friends in college.”

“Oh,” he muttered. He figured that was good, the fact that Isabelle had a senior employee who she was familiar with. It also helped that this time round, it was someone who had good intentions unlike Ann.

“Seth has been showing me around,” Isabelle informed him, looking up at Seth with a soft smile. “I think with him around, I’ll get used to the company quickly.” She looked back at Jason. “Thank you for your concern, sir.”

“Of course,” he replied. “I’m relieved that you’re settling in well. I’ve got to get going now. I’ll see you two around.”

As Jason left and walked away from the two, he couldn’t help but take a single glance back. The way Seth hovered over her, the way he insisted on looking out for her, the way he looked at her…

It was so clear that the man was besotted with her. Not only that, but he was already getting close to her. Jason couldn’t help but wonder what the CEO would think of this situation.

It was the CEO who had instructed Jason to take care of Isabelle and to help her through any problems she might encounter. Hell, he was the one who had personally brought up the issue about Ann’s malpractice and ordered Jason to investigate thoroughly. There was no doubt in his mind that Mr Garcia was personally interested in Ms Cruz. Surely, he wouldn’t be happy to hear about the close relationship between the two.


“Is there anything else?” Jacob asked, his eyes fixed on the entrance of the company building ahead. His car was parked at the corner of the street, and from there, he could see people who walked in and out of the building. He had just come from a meeting with Jason, who was sitting with him in the backseat of his car.

Before Jason could answer, his eyes landed on a couple of people coming out of the building. He recognised Isabelle right away, but what really caught his eyes was the man beside her. She was smiling brightly at him as they talked. After taking a few steps, they came to a stop and carried on their conversation.

Who on earth was that? Why was he standing so close to her?

“That is Seth Holding,” Jason said from beside him.

Finally, Jacob drew his gaze from the two. “What?”

“The man with Ms Cruz. His name is Seth Holding, and he’s the head designer of team one. Apparently, they used to go to college together. I met them this morning and assured Ms Cruz to come to me in case of any trouble, but Seth said that he would look after her.”

Look after her? Jacob fumed as his eyes went back to the two–who were still talking and smiling at each other! Who was he to look after her? An ex-boyfriend?

“I got the feeling that Seth is pursuing her,” Jason continued. “Thought you’d like to know that.”

Jacob turned back to Jason and clenched his jaw. “Why would I?”


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