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The Billionaire's Pretend Wife (Isabella) novel Chapter 33

As the week wore on, Isabelle realised that the man she should be worried about avoiding was not Jacob. Everything at home had gone back to normal, as if her drunken antics had never happened. It was a big relief, because she had no idea how she would have reacted had he brought it up again.

Instead, the man she needed to avoid at all costs was unfortunately one who was around her all day long–her department director, Mr Grayson. After he had called her to his office on Monday morning to offer his help, he had been more and more direct with his advances towards her. He showed her way too much attention in the guise of work, but he never passed up a chance to make hints about what his true intentions were.

She took every precaution she could to avoid running into him, but there was only so much hiding she could do when she worked under him. If only there was a way to put his advances to an end once and for all, she would not hesitate to do it.

One day, while she was in the bathroom at work, she found out that the situation had escalated way beyond her grasp. Two women were talking outside, and the moment her name came up, she became alert and started paying attention to their conversation.

“Have you heard about the new girl and Mr Grayson?” one asked the other.

“About how she is hooking up with him? Yeah.”

“She doesn’t look like the kind, but it’s the innocent-looking ones who are the worst.”

“I know, right? You would think she is classy with the way she carries herself.”

“Some women have no shame. She hasn’t even been here for a month and yet she’s already sleeping with her senior. That’s probably how she got the job in the first place.”

Isabelle kept quiet and didn’t leave her stall until after the two women left. That was how she found out that rumours were swirling around the office about her and Mr Grayson. It didn’t take long to figure out where they were coming from–Claudia.

She didn’t confront her right away, instead biding her time for the perfect chance to shut her up once and for all.

A chance presented itself soon enough when a few days later, she walked into the break room to find Claudia in the company of two of their coworkers, talking about her. Staying out of sight outside the door, she listened to what she was saying.

“Are you sure she was with the director last night?” one of the women asked.

Claudia nodded. “I saw them with my own eyes going into the hotel. Haven’t you heard? She had the same behaviour of seducing men in college, including her professors. Who knows who else she is sleeping with besides Mr Grayson?”

Isabelle inhaled deeply to calm herself. It seemed that the woman was hell-bent on creating rumours about her the same way Ann had. But in the same way she had shut down Ann, she was going to make sure this one thought twice before creating more rumours about her.

Leaving her hiding spot, she marched into the room, her phone in hand. The group that was gossiping about her broke up the moment they saw her, acting like they weren’t just talking about her. But she wasn’t about to let them get away with it.

Making her way to Claudia, she stopped in front of her and showed her the phone she held. “I have recorded everything you just said about me, and I’ll not think twice about reporting you to the police if you don’t stop slandering me.”


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