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The Billionaire's Secret Lover novel Chapter 83

I groaned as I tried to roll off the bed but I couldn't move my legs as it was entangled in Michael's hard pelvis. I tried to free my legs, to stand up but his grips on me tightened, I couldn't help rolling my eyes at him even in his unconsciousness, he was scared of losing me. 

“ Tsk! Like I'm going anywhere with his ring on my finger” I scoffed at his antics before trying to free his legs from mine.

Gosh! I so hate you right now, Michael Thompson, I muttered to myself as I was dying to relive my bowel but this man just won't let me.

“ Michael” I tapped him lightly on his bare chest while gulping nervously as I took a swift dab at my now dried lips. Even in his sleep, my husband was hot...

No, Nina. You can think about that now. I chastised myself as I turned to glare at his sleeping form. It seems like he's playing planks at me.

Damn! Why won't he just wake up already, I glare at his handsome face. I don't know why he should be sleeping still now, shouldn't I be the one tired after the way he... Anyway, I don't want to remember that. I can't believe he has such stamina.

“ Michael, please I need to use the bathroom” I scream out loud as I turn to stare out of the white curtain which causes the wind to billow it. Due to Michael's haste to have his way with me last night, I couldn't look around the room we were in but now I could clearly see that it was enormous even for a day journey.

“ Good morning Wifey”  Michael's husky voice caused me to turn to stare at him in shock. He smiled as he pulled me closer to his body, he kissed my forehead 

“ I love waking up with you by my side,” Michael said, his eyes shining with excitement as his grip on me tightened.

I smiled back at him excited that we were finally together“ I love waking up to your handsome face too, Michael but I need to use the bathroom ” I told him, wishing he would release me as I was dying to relieve my bowel.

Michael was about to protest when his phone rang, he groaned as he waved me off and stood up to go pick his phone.

I glared at him as I rushed into the bathroom to pee. I came out sometime later to see Michael standing on the balcony with his phone pressed to his ear as he barked instructions on the phone. 

I smiled as I went to stand beside him, he immediately wrapped his arms around me as he nuzzled on my neck before he focused on his phone.

“ Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't know you'll wait out for us last night” Michael called into the phone as he turned to wink at me.

 I stifled back laughter as I rolled my eyes at him. I can't believe both our parents were trying to keep us from each other last night, thank God Lillian and Danny were there to help out last night. Speaking of Lillian, I suddenly remember that I'm supposed to give her a call.

I stepped away from Michael causing him to frown as he raised an eyebrow at me. I mouthed to him that I wanted to put a call through to Lillian, he nodded for me to go on as I went back into the room to pick up my phone.

The phone rang and rang while I kept biting my lips expecting Lillian to pick up any moment from now.

She finally did after my third attempt and the welcoming voice was the sound of Joey's wail filling the phone's speaker“ Hey girl! What are you doing to my nephew?” I asked her as I could hear Lillian's tired voice in the background trying to soothe him

“ He doesn't want to take a bath and we are running late for the immunization, can you believe that? He's just like his father” Lillian exclaimed tiredly into the phone before I heard her scream Danny's name loudly to him to come pick up his child.

I tried to fight back the familiar feeling of longing that had always enveloped me whenever I'm with Joey. Sometimes I imagine what Michael would look like when he's taking care of our baby. Will he leave all responsibility to me? Or will he request for a nanny?

“No, Nina, you shouldn't be thinking about that now, you just got married. Give it some time, I'm sure everything will fall back in place” My subconscious explained slowly for once not scolding me and for that I was glad. Finally, we were on the same page.

“ Are you alright? You suddenly went silent. Are you sure Michael's isn't treating you bad?” Lillian questioned me softly as she went back to being the ever worrisome friend.

I rolled my eyes at her as I turned to stare at Michael through the transparent glass of the balcony. I could feel his eyes on me like he could see through me. Did he know what I was wishing for right now? Will he feel it's too soon?

“ Nina?” Lillian called loudly to me without bothering to hide her concern.

“ I'm alright and Michael has been taking care of me. '' I told her, trying to dispel her notion that Michale was hurting me. I know she still hasn't trusted Michael fully even when I kept telling her that he was changing. I could feel it in me that he wasn't the same Michael again. That Michael wouldn't have eloped with me last night! That Michael would have disobeyed his mom for me...

“ Fine. Have fun and don't hesitate to call me when you feel something is wrong, okay?” Lillian called seriously into the phone. I scoffed at her, she is behaving like she's my mother.

“ Yes, mom,” I replied playfully to her. She said some incoherent words to me which sounded like‘ If I don't worry about you, who would?’ before she hangs up.

I dropped the phone back onto the drawer before turning to stare out of the balcony, surprised to see that Michael was not there anymore, where could he have gone? I wondered in my mind.


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