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The Billionaire's Twins Play Matchmaker novel Chapter 14

Katherine tossed money at the cab driver before sliding out. Straightening her cocktail dress she pulled it down from where it rode up while she sat in the taxi. Satisfied she sauntered inside passed security without a care. They didn’t attempt to stop her as she was a familiar figure with this particular crowd.

“Katherine! Here you are!” Frederick greeted. He hugged her pinching her ass cheek as he usually did. If there was one thing that was always consistent it was his complete lack of decorum and boundaries. “How are you?”

“Fine,” she smiled before dropping her voice, “where is he?”

“I’m not sure. I lost track of him.”

“Some help you are.”

“Hey, I called you, didn’t I?” Frederick said in mock hurt. “Is there something going on with you two?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know…he just seemed different tonight.”

Katherine scowled. She didn’t want to admit things between her and Julius were not going well or that he seemed to be losing interest in her. He had a lot to answer for once she found him. If she managed to guilt him enough she could finally secure his agreement on the wedding date. Once they were married it didn’t matter if he was distant to her. It didn’t even matter if he decided to take on a mistress. She would be set for life.

Ignoring Frederick’s inquiry she wandered through the crowd but though she soon spotted Augustus she did not see Julius. Avoiding the DaLair patriarch Katherine continued her search. There would be time enough to confront him once she had Julius by her side. As difficult as Augustus was for others to handle it was widely known he never went against his sons. When she didn’t find him her frustration only grew. Stomping a foot she headed to the bathroom to freshen up and straighten her dress that kept riding up. Turning the corner she came to a dead stop.

In front of her Julius stood with his arms wrapped around a woman in an evening gown. Their lips were locked in a passionate kiss. His hand fondled her butt pulling her close so their bodies pressed together leaving no space between.

Katherine’s face flushed as red as her rival’s hair. Julius never touched her let alone held her like that. The last time he kissed her was two years ago. Back then he was too drunk to even know what he was doing. Their make-out was sloppy and smelled heavily of whiskey. It had been her intention to drag him to her room and secure her place at his side until his brother intervened.

March was nowhere to be seen tonight and the smell of alcohol was noticeably absent. There was nothing obstructing Julius from his desires and it was clear he wanted the redhead in his arms.

* * *

Julius and Macey parted slowly, breathless as they stood together. Macey felt her face warm as she blushed, embarrassed by how her body responded to his. They had been a part six years and yet it felt as if none had passed. Macey tried to date once or twice after she left him but it always ended awkwardly. She never responded to any man the way she responded to him.

Seeing her embarrassment Julius smiled gently stroking her cheek. Having her in his arms felt right and she had to feel it too. It couldn’t just be him. He wanted to ask her but he couldn’t form the words. What if she said no?

Macey averted her gaze suddenly feeling more and more awkward the longer they lingered and said, “I…should get back to dad. He’s probably wondering where I’ve gone.”

“He’s a big boy,” Julius whispered leaning close before she pulled away. “Stay…with me.”


“Stay, Macey. I’ll beg if that’s what you want.”


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