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The CEO’s Surrogate Wife novel Chapter 311

“It is okay. You can divorce if you get married.” Grace goes on, “I am so young, I must be prettier than your wife.”

Alex shakes his hand and walks back. He really doesn’t even bother to answer her words.

Grace follows up, unbuttoning her third button on purpose, and dangles her plump breast in front of Alex. She softens her tone and says, “Brother Alex, I really like you and say these words”

For Alex, everyone is not half as good as Miya, and therefore it is customary for him to turn a blind eye to Grace.

But Grace says, “I like you, Alex. Even if you are not my husband, you can be my boyfriend. I don’t mind become inferior to your wife.” That sounds very insulting.

It is common scenery that a paramour hogs someone’s husband, and how can she not do such a thing?

Alex turns around, “Sorry, my wife is a tigress. If she knows that I raise a paramour, I think we are going to die.”

Alex is a henpecked husband? The president of Alex Group is afraid of his wife! Grace doubts it. “You are talking nonsense. You are so powerful. Which woman is so brave to challenge you?”

“I am the woman, of course...” The noise comes out of Miya’s mouth, which almost makes everyone on the scene tremble.

Miya hears a noise when she is at the elevator entrance. It is so ridiculous. Does Grace afraid that other does not know she is shameless?

“Darling, you are here.” Alex smiles as he sees Miya.

The people who come along with Miya are dumbfounded when they see their president seems like a loyal dog...

“So I went down and got a delivery, and you are going to get me a mistress?” Forgive her, she is used to vent her emotion using the foul language when things went wrong since that time she scolded Daniel.

“This is a misunderstanding.” Alex walks over to Miya, laughing.

Grace straightens her chest and goes to Miya, “Look at you, where is better than me from your toes to your head? Do you have my femininity and gentleness?”

“What Alex looks for is a beautiful, young and lovely girl like me, I can also cook, and I made a love lunch for Brother Alex today.” She then takes a small box from her bag and hands it to Alex. “Brother Alex, try it. I did it early in the morning”

“What is your relationship? She still calls you brother?” Miya can’t help yelling.

Alex says, “I have nothing to do with her. It is the first time I see her.”

Grace looks at Miya unhappily. “Why do you old woman yell at my brother Alex? Alex is right, you are a tigress, and you are an old and ugly tigress. Do you as young and beautiful as me? Not at all. Then why hog Alex's brother?”

Miya's heart suddenly seems to have been hammered by something and she is unable to speak any word.

Alex immediately grabs Miya and raises his hand to signal Alice to get her out.

Alice obeys and walks up to Grace, “Miss Grace, please.”

“Why should I go out? I am telling the truth.” Grace just doesn’t leave.

Alice has no choice but to call Randy to bring securities.

At last it is quiet. Miya looks at Alex with sadness and asks, “Do you think I am old too? After all, I am the mother of three children.”

Alex holds Miya tight. “Not old at all, or as younger as an 18-year-old girl.”

“You liar.” Miya pats Alex on the chest. “Even you said I am a tigress.”


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