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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 78

Katrina’s POV

I had been discharged from the infirmary officially. I walked to the room I had been given. My heart almost stopped when I saw Fang sitting on my bed flanked by his twin brothers, Fallon and Fargo. My pulse started to quicken. I blushed deeply. I tried to take a few deep breaths.

“Close the door,” instructed Fang. I did as he said.

“Let’s talk,” said Fang.

I grumbled inwardly but sat obediently, perched on the edge of an armchair facing the three brothers.

“Katrina,” said Fang. “I know you must be a bit…confused by your sudden interest in my brothers or perhaps their sudden interest in you.”

Fang’s eyes swept over me and then trailed over the room as he spoke. The twins’ heated gazes never left me, making me flush more. I squirmed in my chair. I bit my l!p. I tried sitting all the way back so I could relax. I kicked my shoes off and put my bare feet on the chair, h.ugging my knees to my c.hest. Fallon was staring at my face and Fargo was staring at my feet so I hid them under me self-consciously. I realised they were waiting for me to give some kind of response.

“I…guess it is confusing,” I admitted softly.

“Can you give us a minute?” Fang asked suddenly. The twins looked surprised but they left the room.

“Katrina,” Fang said very softly so I had to lean forwards. “I know you think you were in love with me but I think you were…sensing how similar I was to the guys you were actually meant to be with. Maybe you could smell them?” Fang said, shrugging.

Fang did smell good, really good but the twins could arouse me by scent alone. However I was strongly terrified of them. They were two of them. What if they really want me back and were just playing games? I was a vampire. They probably didn’t like that. I could barely handle seeing Fang coddle his pregnant wife Astrid. I felt so stupid for thinking him coming to save me like that meant his love was r0mantic.

“I do love you, Katrina,” said Fang as if he had read my mind. I blushed.

“You’re smart, resourceful, annoying,” said Fang, listing my attributes. Annoying?

“You’re beautiful, you always try your hardest, you never give up or give in,” Fang said.

I smiled.

“You’re strong considering you’re in one piece emotionally after what your stepfather did to you,” Fang said. I was upset that he sold me off to be married but he had never been the most traditionally loving father figure. Ezra and I were more an heir and an heiress to him than children but he had forewent even that since he had turned on both of us and Ezra was biologically his. I sighed, feeling sorry for Ezra. He had his Raelynn though so I knew he was thrilled and distracted by engagement stuff. She was everything to him. Raelynn! She was a she-wolf after all. I stared at Fang.

“I love you like a little sister and I hope that doesn’t hurt to hear. I have a mate and wife whom I love r0mantically. We’re having a baby. I don’t want anything between us to be awkward. It really doesn’t have to be. I am so happy for you, Katrina, especially if you choose to become part of our family. You would definitely have my blessing. And the twins would be over the moon,” said Fang, grinning.

Part of their family? Huh. Did he mean because my stepbrother Ezra and his half-sister Raelynn were getting married.

“I really hope you can give them a chance,” murmured Fang.

I raised my eyebrows. Fang came over and gently k!ssed my forehead. He nuzzled me which was weird. It was a wolf thing between relatives or mates. I had seen Raelynn nuzzle Ezra even back when we all thought she was human. It irked me that Ezekiel had known all along she was a she-wolf and had not bothered to say anything to help her along. More genuine people in my life would be nice. Fang headed to the door.

“I…wait! I love you, too. I’m not sure in what way. I won’t get in the way of you and Astrid anymore! I promise…and I’m…embarrassed that I acted like that,” I said, looking down.

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Fang grasped my chin to make me look up again. “Keep that chin up!” He ordered. He left me with a slight smile on my face.

The twins returned and shut the door. They sat across from me. I felt a lot calmer now.

“Katrina,” they said in unison then glanced at each other. I giggled. They grinned.

“You’re our mate, Katrina,” said Fallon.

“We know there’s two of us but we’re identical so in the wolf world identical siblings like twins and triplets may have just one mate.”

My heart was beating so loudly, I wondered if the twins could hear it. Oh, wait, they were werewolves they could always hear it.

“Don’t be scared, ok,” pleaded Fallon, his eyes widening.

“I’m not scared,” I said simply. The twins smiled.

“I…I think you guys are my predestined but I didn’t know it was possible to have more than one predestined. I’d never heard of it,” I whispered. “I thought I was imagining things because you were younger versions of Fang!” I blurted out. Ugh! I had just admitted I wondered if my liking for them was because of the crush I’d had on their brother. How awkward.

“It’s the other way around,” said Fargo. “You liked Fang because he was similar to us and you hadn’t met us yet so you got confused.”


“It’s kinda like um…if Maze for instance saw Raelynn before Friday, he would think she was really beautiful…” said Fargo.

“No! NO! Not a good example! That’s actually his sister so hopefully not. I doubt,” said Fallon.

“Platonically beautiful,” Fargo said.

“That makes no sense!” Fallon said.

They started to argue.

“Thaddeus is a better example!” Fallon said.

“Ok, whatever,” grumbled Fargo.

“If Thaddeus met Raelynn before Friday, he might think she was pretty and he could get confused but when he actually met Friday, then he would be head over heels!” Instead Fallon.

“Thaddeus is one of those mate-stuck Alphas who went traveling to different packs hoping to find his Luna. He wouldn’t be with someone he wasn’t fated to unless he blatantly told them it wasn’t serious,” Fargo retorted.

They glared at each.

Chapter 78 1

Chapter 78 2


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