The convenient Bride

Chapter 131: Crush Their Hope

Payton was aggrieved. He came all the way here to deliver lunch to Rosiley and Sachin, only to find himself maligned the moment he arrived.


He walked into the room and as soon as he saw Juliet, he curled his lips. "You petty woman!"




Juliet gave him a ferocious stare and snorted.


Payton was a little angry and then put down the lunch, rolled up his sleeves, and approached Juliet, "You've always called me that. Since you think so, if I fail to fulfill your wish, I would be very sorry."


"What do you want to do?"


Juliet stepped back with a vigilant look on her face.


Payton smirked and waved his hands in front of her and said, “Being a true playboy. Tell me, should I drag you out and do it directly or do you want me to do it like last time?"


"Don't you dare!"


Juliet stared at his swaying sinister hands and gritted her teeth. "You can try and see if I could castrate you!"


The two were at each other's throats as soon as they met. Rosiley shook her head in amusement at that.


Yayoi laughed and joked, "Why don't you go out and get a room to have a ‘serious quarrel’? This is a hospital. No noise here."


"Shut up."


Juliet and Payton rolled their eyes at Yayoi simultaneously.


Yayoi's interruption ceased their fight, but they still didn't like each other.


couldn't do anything about


that it would be


in resignation again and


than I expected. Uncle Sid has been searching for evidence, but Candance and Vito didn't give anything away. We have no clue for the time


Yayoi sighed in disappointment.


parents would have to


things will


friend's shoulder and comforted


about me. You should take care of yourself first. It's hard for you, too.” She paused. "Right, Rosiley, do


"What news?"


darkened when she heard


in TEG and has officially become its largest shareholder. The news has


has bought a large number


shoulder and exchanged a look

tied up by the project that they couldn't get rid


they suddenly have the extra money to buy the shares of


to talk about it,


buyer abroad who is willing to take over their project. According to the investigation, the company took over the project is called




thought about the familiar name for a moment and was suddenly enlightened. "I remember that Yunis's cousin Melissa seems to hold a high position


fact, Melissa has something to do with the Ji Group's getting rid of the project. According to the information we received, Melissa will officially join TEG's and would probably


looked at Sachin. "Boss, that woman is ruthless and not easy to deal with. Do we need to stop


in TEG. With Melissa's


knitted her delicate


Group would come


returned, Rosiley would be in

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