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The defiant mate by Fennifer Francis novel Chapter 37

Nathan POV

He had nearly fallen out of his bed when he’d been woken by his father mind-linking him that Stephen had brought Jay-la to the Alpha floor.

He was completely naked and moved to his walk-in robe and pulled a tee-shirt and jeans off the hangers, yanked them on and headed out to greet them, didn’t much worry about his appearance. She’d seen him half a sleep many times actually always told him he looked sexy when half asleep.

He’d stepped out of his suite, hopefully soon their suite. He had not been expecting the triplets as his father had not mentioned that.

He ran his hair through his messy bed hair and headed towards them, his mother was already talking to them, couldn’t wait to introduce herself to her grandbadies, it seemed.

He had been surprised by Jay-la’s lack of anger in his direction, something had changed or, perhaps after this morning, Havoc’s display of wanting to mark her. She was either willing to accept him or worried any display of withdrawal or rejection would get her forcibly marked by his wolf. Either way, it was nice to see her in this state. Even nicer to watch her slide her eyes over him and take him in, he couldn’t help but smile at her.

‘A start’ Havoc piped up in his mind.

I can work with that’ he thought, going over there. She even seemed embarrassed that he’d caught her checking him out. Hell she could do it all day every day as far as he was concerned.

To his great delight, the twins took right to him, and when they had launched themselves right into his arms after he had picked them apart, his team of warriors who had been watching them had let him know that the only difference they could see was Lilly was more upfront and Rosalie quieter, seeing as the girl had grabbed onto him and directly asked him if he was her father she could only be Lilly, but he had looked her over, and her sister they indeed were identical, just taking his time before letting her know he did know who she was.

It had made them both very happy that he knew them apart. Their scents were ever so slightly different that would be a great help. He could well imagine the mischief they would try to get up to later in life, especially if they were anything like their mother, being identical, probably try to trick him as to who they were to avoid punishment at some point.

He’d caught Jay-la’s reaction to the twins and him hugging. He was instantly concerned, didn’t know if it was happy or sadness. He’d also seen Stephen reach out and touch her to comfort her, and when she had regained her composure and found him looking at her she had waved him off, clearly not wanting to talk about it. They were going to have to.

Nate, on the other hand, a very reserved, angry little one, took a shot at him about him not being around to look after his sisters. Very much the Alpha and ready to fight it out. But then, to his surprise, he had walked over and clutched his mother’s hand like it was a life line, like he needed her to comfort him. ‘even and Alpha will always want their mummy’ his father mind-linked him his tone full of amusement.

He’d walked them down to, hopefully their suite soon, and pushed both doors open for them to walk in. The girls were off looking at things. Nate stayed with his mother. He could see her worry and tried to reduce it by letting her know she could leave the room anytime she liked, but he didn’t really want her too.

When he’d mentioned the words our babies and Kora had purred so loudly he couldn’t help but chuckle. Thank the goddess, she was on his side, 3 against 1 at this point. The twins were off with excitement at seeing their rooms. He’d actually installed an adjoining door between their rooms. He thought they might want that, he’d had it done the day after he’d found out about them being his.

He stayed with Jay-la and Nate. He could tell the twins were fine. She’d walked into his room after him but had stopped just inside the door. He’d simply followed and allowed himself to watch her. She was wearing clothes from olden days. Actually, if he recalled correctly he had removed this very shirt from her body once before.

He leaned on the door frame only a foot away and just watched her, enjoyed being this close to her, smelling her scent. It was wonderful to actually be this close to her and not have her trying to run away.

Though he knew it was driving up his desire to mark and mate her, with every minute she stood this close to him, and he could see the love bite Havoc had left on her. His mark would be permanent.

When he’d spoken to Nate, her entire body had frozen, she clearly had not realised just how close he was to her. Perhaps Kora was purposely not trying to smell him to keep her from realising how close he was, her beautiful jewel green eyes had turned on him and he hadn’t been about to help himself bring up their bedroom, and the seductive undertone of his voice was automatically pulled from him. Her eyes had always been his undoing and now it seemed was no different. He wanted her and he wanted her to know it, just like he had always wanted her to know.

It was more need at this point, as he was trying to convince her that he was of no threat to her, that he did indeed want this Bond, did want her to be his Mate, his Luna and goddess, help him, the mother to their future children, because, yes he wanted to put a pup in her and if she would let him he would do it right now, to see her swollen with his unborn child. His desire was increasing by the minute.

He watched as she practically ran to the other side of the room away from him, and couldn’t help but smile. She was afraid he was going to seduce her, he would at some point, could only imagine that if the children weren’t all here he would be already trying.

Nathan knew she was not coming out of this room with him standing in the doorway. “I’ll go check on the girls. Why don’t you help Nate find some winter clothing from the wardrobe,” and he left her alone with Mate. Still smiling to himself, it seemed she was feeling the Mate Bond, though was still trying to fight it. He chuckled to himself, ah now that is a losing battle, considering he was going to be as close to her as was possible to help it get stronger, until she couldn’t deny it anymore, deny him. Her days of defiance were over now.

Even Havoc chortled at that thought.

He found the twins had already made a mess in both their rooms, toys were pulled out and strewn about the rooms and both beds had clearly been jumped on.

They were currently eating snacks from their snack corner. “Girls, how about we get you some warm clothes on, go over there and pick something warm out”. They turned those green eyes on him, smiling up at him “Okay.” they both said at the same time, and run off to Rosalie’s wardrobe to find something to wear. They were so freaking adorable, he was never going to be able to punish them, those darned green eyes would sink him every time.

He wondered if this was what his parents felt for Abbey and why they couldn’t punish her. Hmm guess it was a Jay-la chore. He was certain she had disciplined them already. Being a single parent, there was no other choice.

He stood and watched from the doorway as they helped dress each other in warm clothing and came out with big pink puffy jackets with fur around the hoods and long pants with little boots.

How was it even possible that they got cuter in the last 5 minutes?

Even Havoc was watching them intently, his tail flicking back and forth happily as he watched them. He would have to get Jay-la’s permission to let Havoc out to meet them, though his wolf had never been so happy in all his life, clearly having Kora as a Mate was good for him, not to mention they had gone from being alone to having a Mate and children, three of them, instant family.

He headed out of the room and the twins went running into Nate’s room. He was in there putting shoes on, Jay-la was sitting on the edge of the bed watching him, she was holding a black jacket for him to put on, the twins ran right up to her talking a mile a minute about their rooms, how there were fairy and unicorn toys and dolls to play with, how everything was all pink purple and sparkly, they climbed up on Nate’s bed and were already jumping on it. But then they complained that his bed was bigger than either of theirs.

Which it was, an Alpha male would need a bigger bed than an Alpha female and he had thought about this. Nate’s room was sporting a queen-sized bed where both the girls only had single beds, that’s not why you did it’ Havoc piped up and chortled at him.

Chapter 37 1

Chapter 37 2


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