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The Educator novel Chapter 25

“How old is he now?” I ask

“I think tenor eleven? That kid is really something. He’s so passionate, smart, charitable, kind-hearted and very funny” he smiles to himself at the memory of the child. “I would love for you to meet him someday” he says.

“You allowed yourself to be a father figure to his child, Elliot. I think that’s the most generous gesture anyone has ever done.

I smile at Elliot. I think I’ve come to like Elliot more today. He’s not only a gentleman because he needs to. He actually is a gentleman as it is. “Elliot?” I call out his name.


“Why did you help her?” I ask him.

He looks at me, “Because, she we have history. We shared moments, strengths and weaknesses, we grew together, Eli. So it matters to me that I help her” he says.

Elliot is the type of man that does not let situation come in between him and a person he’s had close ties with. I smile at Elliot and we both fall in silence.

“Eli” he says again



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