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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 54

Sophie’s pov

As soon as I entered Mary, the tears I tried to desperately hold comes flowing out like a river.
I’m a hiccuping mess in a matter of a few seconds.

I sobbed, gripping the steering wheel and throwing my head on the horn.

It blares by accident but I don’t care.

I hate him.

I hate him for doing this to me.

Why does he always have to hurt me? I’m not sure how long I’ve been crying, all I know is that my throat is dry and throbbing by the time I’m done.

And having his essence still inside me was making this all the more worst.

It’s reminding me every second of him and what we did up there in his office.

It’s reminding me of what happened after.

Suddenly there’s a knock on the glass window and I stop crying altogether and freeze.

Was it Aiden? My heart slams against my chest as I lift my head and quickly wiped under my nose as I looked at who knocked on my glass.

I’m relieved yet disappointed that it wasn’t him, but an unfamiliar lady.

I rolled down the window which made a tiny screeching sound.

I cringed inwardly, already knowing how horrible I look right now.

“Yes?” I asked politely even though I wanted to drive away and not look back because of how embarrassed I was about how | currently look.

She smiled just as politely.

I’m sorry to disturb but I couldn’t help but notice that you were upset.

I just wanted to check up and see if you were okay?”
How sweet of her.

I nod and with a gentle smile, I respond.

“Yes, I am.” I lied smoothly.

“I’m okay, don’t worry.” God, I don’t know when I’ll ever be okay.

The woman nods but doesn’t look like she believed me.


If it helps, everything gets better after a while.” With a smile, the woman leaves and I watch her walk into the SUV parked beside my old car and drive away.

I can’t help but think about her parting words.

I didn’t think things would get better.

It was clear Aiden was still the same guy from high school.

And no matter how much my heart still craves for him, I knew that we would never happen.

Aiden didn’t know how to love, he only knew how to hurt
And I refuse to let him hurt our son.

I started Mary, thanking her that today she worked better than yesterday.

I looked at Harrington.co one last time and drive off.

He was right, I liked to run away.

But if running away meant protecting my son, then that I will do.

I fling the keys on the counter, kicked off my heels, and started unbuttoning my blouse.

I had yet to call Bernard to tell him what was going on.

I didn’t think he’d understand and I didn’t know where to even begin.

He deserved better than what I did today.

I left without saying anything to him.

I was wrong to do so, especially since he did go out of his way to get me that job.

A job I clearly didn’t deserve.

Then again, I didn’t think it would be appropriate to look like the mess I was after leaving Aiden’s office to go speak to Bernard.

I’ll just call him later on, or maybe tomorrow.

Or the day after that.

How exactly am I supposed to tell him everything that happened without looking like the bad guy? I really didn’t want him to see me as a monster for keeping Ashton away from Aiden.

For all I know, he’d force me to tell Aiden or he would tell Aiden himself.

I felt cold as the thought rang through my head.

Aiden would probably hate me even more if he found out.

He’d deny Ash, deny ever being with me.

Or he’d want custody.

Now that thought had me running to the bathroom and I barely made it to the toilet before barfing.

I’m clutching the seat while throwing up and crying.

If Aiden ever finds out about Ash, would he fight me for
custody? Because it was clear he didn’t want me in his life.

Suddenly fear swirled in my stomach.

Maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea to tell Bernard about Aiden being Ash’s father.

I flushed the toilet and walked to the sink and looked at my reflection in the mirror while wincing.

I look like a terrible mess.

And felt like it too.

I opened the faucet and cupped my hand under the running water.

Washing out the vomit from my mouth, I kicked the edge of the door so it would close.

Was she not getting it that I didn’t want to speak to anyone right now?

Beckam is here
“Enter,” I said, cutting her off.

Was he going to ask me why Sophie came back to his office probably in tears?
“Aiden- I mean Mr.


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