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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 99

Sophie’s pov

“What is it? What’s wrong with him!?” I rushed out, my heart aching while beating furiously in my chest.

Not a good combination.

My hands get clammy as I looked at Aiden in alarm. He must’ve noticed the tone of my voice and my panic stare because he turned to me with furrowed brows and a worried


“I’ll call you back Sergio.” He said and cut the line. He’s sending me worried looks that asked for answers that I couldn’t give as yet. Not until I know what’s wrong myself.

“Ashton seems to have caught something. His nose is runny and he keeps calling for his mommy. Can you come to pick him up please?” The woman said on the other line worriedly.

My heart sinks.

Oh my poor baby.

“I’ll be there in a few. Please tell him I’m on my way,” I said quickly while brushing my trembling fingers in my hair.

“Will do Miss.Bell.” The woman promised and then end the call.

I didn’t even have time to place my phone down when Aiden asked in a rush. “What’s wrong? Is it Ashton?” His voice had a tone of worry and fear.

“He isn’t feeling well. Can you drop me off at the daycare?” I asked, gnawing on my lips. He was my boss after all and it would be wise to ask him permission.

“Of course. Mitch forget about bringing me to the office today, take us to Ashton’s daycare.” Aiden demanded and looked at me with a worried glare in his eyes.

“Is it bad? Anything to raise a concern?”

“She didn’t say. But she did mention that his nose is runny. My baby must’ve caught a cold.” I bit into my bottom lip worriedly.

My poor baby must be fussy. He’s always fussy when he’s sick.

“Our baby,” Aiden corrected softly and I nod. “Right,” I murmured.

I lift my hand to my mouth to bite my nails as I got more worried.

Suddenly my hand is pried from my mouth and is engulfed in Aiden’s warm one. His touch eases me more than I’d like to


“He’ll be okay mama bear,” He murmured, drawing our connected hands to the space between us on the seat.

For the rest of the drive he did not let my hand go, not even once. Not even when his phone rang and he answered it.

But when we stopped beside the daycare, I realized I didn’t want to let go. His hand was comforting. Warm and eased my worries without him having to do much.

And with every five minutes that passed, Aiden would squeeze my hand. As if reassuring me that everything would be okay.


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