Book 1 Chapter 34

I wake early to sunshine beams brightly into my tent. I squint and manage to make out my surround ings as my eyes adjust.

I sit up and stretch, sliding out of my sleeping bag. I crawl out of my tent and look over to Alena’s tent to see if she’s awake yet.

My eyes widen as I see her tent is unzipped and her bag is gone.

Has she gone for a walk or something?

But why would she take her bag?

I climb out of my tent and stand up, looking around for her.

‘Alena?’ I call, but there’s no answer, just birds tweeting.

I glance at the dying embers of the fire, maybe she’s gone to get some more wood?

| slowly get dressed, wondering where the hell she could be. I look over in her tent again and sure enough, it’s empty.

I suddenly catch a scent and my blood runs cold, male wolves.

Two of them.

Goose-bumps rise on my arms as I frantically look around for any clue as to what happened to her.

Someone took her, there’s been a struggle, I realize as I see obvious scratches in the bark where some one has latched on. Fear wraps around me and I begin to panic.

Oh God, is she okay

I try to call her, but her phone’s turned off and my signal goes in and out.

someone take

that the scent doesn’t smell like a

we were intruding

would get out of her tent and go out on her own, she’s scared of

because they wanted her, I say, and I

they want only her?

it must be her mate, why

even know about wolves, she’s probably

of what to do next, I can’t track her scent it’s not strong enough,

strapping everything

Book 1 Chapter 34

Lv. 1


speeding over to Nate and Myra’s house, they’ll know what to do. By the

like this is my fault, if I’d just told her about wolves, she might not be so unprepared or scared, I have no

greets me as he comes down the path,

like the looks on my

been kidnapped, I blurt out and Nate stares at me in

of concern on his face

decide what to do next, I tell

behind the bathroom door. I push it open

she says, staring at

that, so I only reply with, ‘Alena’s

silence for a moment

that’s more important, she mumbles and follows me



Myra’s POV

us are stood in the kitchen, all with matching worried

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