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The Great Showbiz Commando novel Chapter 53

In the interrogation room, Max that had been sitting for a night began to yawn. The police simply thought he was sleepy. Then Max burst into tears and snot, and his body began to sweat. His pupils dilated, his heart beat faster, his blood pressure rose, and his body trembled violently and twitched.

Seeing him like this, the police knew he was a drug addict. They immediately took out handcuffs and handcuffed his hands and feet. Seeing the syringe on the table, Max's eyes turned red. "Give it to me. I can't stand it anymore. Give me an injection."

The policeman shook his head firmly and said, "Sorry, I can't give it to you."

Max only felt itchy all over his body. At first, he just felt itchy in his hands and feet, and now he even felt itchy in his head. He struggled to get his hand out of the handcuffs and tried to scratch his head with his hand. "It's itchy. Help me! There are ants on my head. Help me drive them away! These damn ants. "

Max didn't feel any pain at all. His wrist was bleeding. The police was afraid that his wrist would be dislocated if it went on like this, so they hurried forward to stop him.

Max felt like thousands of ants crawling on his head. It was painful and itchy, but he couldn't reach out to scratch it. He lowered his head irritably and hit the handle of the chair with his head. "Give me the drug, give me the drug, quickly. I'll tell you everything you want to know."

The policeman's eyes lit up and asked in a hurry, "Who gave you this syringe?"

As soon as Max heard that the police were willing to give him drugs, he lost his mind to think about the authenticity and immediately said, "Sunny gave it to me!"

"What does she want you to do with this syringe?"

"This is a high concentration of drugs. She asked me to sneak into Muriel's ward at midnight and inject the drugs into Muriel's veins. Within an hour, Muriel will surely die!"

"So the props of the Storm crew were also tampered with by you?"

"Yes, it's all my fault. I don't want to kill Muriel. It's Sunny who forced me to do it. She said if I didn't do as she said, she wouldn't give me drugs. I planned to put up with it, but I didn't expect it to be so unbearable. I have to listen to her to go against Muriel. " Max's face was covered with tears and snot.

"Did Sunny also give you the gun?"

"Yes, she gave me the gun. She taught me to break the bamboo pole and the wire."

"Do you have any evidence to prove that what you said is true?"

Max pointed at the phone on the table and said, "Although I have deleted the content of the message, every time I sent a message to her, I would snap the screen. I'm afraid that she won't drug me anymore after I help her with these things, so I'm going to threaten her with this evidence."

The policeman, who was taking notes, hurriedly opened the album of Max's phone and found a complete screenshot of the conversation between Max and Sunny, which was exactly the same as what he had just said.

Max cried, "I've told you everything. Please give me an injection, just one."

The policeman sighed and said, "I'm sorry. Please put up with it. You can't continue to use drugs."

In Sunny's interrogation room, a policeman checked Sunny's message with her mobile phone. She didn't know if it was because Sunny was too proud and conceited that she didn't delete the message and kept all in her phone. The policeman compared the chatting records of the two mobile phones and found that they were exactly the same. The evidence was irrefutable.

Chapter 53 Leniency For Confession 1


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