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The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 

I’m shaking as the Captain places the list on the podium in front of him, all thoughts leaving my mind as he studies the names. Because as much as I’m desperate to figure out what happened, all I can do is listen and wait

The cadet in the number 1 position,the Captain says, his voice completely without emotion, is Rafe Sinclair.” 

A shout goes up from the gathered candidates as their champion walks forward to shake the Captain’s hand and pass through the doors into the Academy. And even as anxiety still rolls within me, I can’t help the smile that bursts onto my face

No one is surprised at his taking first Rafe has stayed at the top of the list this entire time, and as Dominic Sinclair’s son and nearidentical replica, he was sort of a shoein for the spot. But I’m prouder than all of them, because he’s my big brother and as much as Rafe made it look easy, he worked his ass off for this his 

whole life

Rafe deserves it, and I couldn’t be happier or prouder of him. My eyes well with tears even as I cheer for my brother, because I wish mom and dad were here to see it. That’s not allowed, of course, but still

I know they’d be so proud they could burst

Jesse is called third, and I cheer just as hard for my cousin alongside everyone else as I catch sight of his cheerful face as he shakes the Captain’s hand. Jesse lets out a goodspirited whoop that makes me laugh as he dashes for the doors, clearly so eager to get inside he can’t help but run

My eyes return to the Captain then, and I lose track of time as I listen to the names go by, watch hands shake as cadet after cadet is admitted. Jackson’s name is announced next, coming in at S I expected him to be higher, but he must have lost time on the obstacle course either helping me or screwing me over

I scowl as Alan Wright is called, but the distaste is wiped away when Luca’s name is announced soon after, a big cheer going out for our resident celebrity. Luca showboat that he is riffs a little bit, waving out to the crowd of candidates as he walks to the Captain’s podium to shake his hand


The Captain rolls his eyes a little at Luca’s vanity as he shakes his hand, but he can’t help but smile either. Luca he’s a little bit irresistible, isn’t it? I bite my lip a little 

Chapter 33 

as I watch him pass through the doors, because I am well aware that I’m the one who is the least able to resist his charms

The numbers pass in a haze now through the twenties, the thirties, the forties and fifties I don’t even pay attention, because I know I didn’t get that high. Pretty much everyone ahead of me on the field has been cleared out by now, which makes sense

As the numbers hit the late sixties, though, my stomach starts to turn. Because some of the young men behind me have been called, having risen in the final ranking, which means that some of us who were safe before the final ranking are going to be cut

The Captain reaches the seventieth name. And it’s not me

A boy behind me moves forward, rushing across the lawn to shake the Captain’s hand

My heart sinks. Because, I mean, I knew I was going to take a hit in the ranking, but seventy was my spot

I hold my breath as the guys to my right are called, as the numbers make their way through the seventies

As number eighty is announced, and it’s not me, my heart sinks

The numbers continue to crawl upwards

As each passes, I become increasingly convinced that Jackson tricked me. I mean he’s clever, I always knew he was smart. But how could I have been so stupid

The Captain announces the 86(th) candidate. Still not me, and still not Ben. I turn now, risking it, knowing that there can’t be any consequences worse than being cut from the Academy. My eyes immediately meet Ben’s, and I know that his expression matches mine

Dread fills every inch of me and Ben feels precisely the same. Thirtyfour people are still left standing on this field, and only ten of us will become cadets

What are the chances that both of us will make it

Hell, what’s the chance that even one will


About 30 percent chance for one, my wolf unhelpfully supplies, and inwardly I scowl at our propensity for fast math. But just about 6 percent for both of your 

Shit. Shit. I mean, I know it’s more than just a random selection that our previous rankings come into play… 

But as the Captain continues to announce names? Our odds continue to 



The Captain announces number 90 and I hang my head, wondering what the hell I’ll do next. I mean, I guess I’ll go home, but how the hell will I get there? Rafe and I we never even discussed the possibility – 

I mean, there’s a train, right

Number 91,the Captain says, his voice bland and a little bored

And someone will let me use a phone I guess I’ll justcall my mom 

Ari Clark.” 

My head whips up and I gasp



That’s my name – 

I mean, it’s not my name, but – 


A hysterical little laugh bursts from me as I stumble forward. I can feel eyes on me as a small, halfhearted cheer goes up nothing like the cheering at the beginning, but most of the cadets are inside now, and most of the people behind me are feeling just as horribly as I was a moment ago – 

The Captain locks eyes with me and I hurry my pace, eager to get across the lawn and shake his hand before he does something ridiculous, like realizes he made a mistake – 

Or figures out that I’m a girl – 

My feet move almost without me realizing it, and suddenly I’m right in front of him, reaching out my hand 

Well done, Clark,the Captain says, a little smirk playing at his lips. I stare at him in surprise even as he clasps my hand because he didn’t say anything to most of the other new cadets. Bit of a surprise, weren’t you? I’ll be seeing more of you 


I stumble away, still shocked, as the Captain releases my hand and continues on 

with the names

He’ll be seeing more of me inside? What what does that mean

But I don’t have time to think about it, because suddenly the black doors of the Academy are in front of me, and my heart is absolutely pounding as I walk up to them

BecauseI mean… 

I did it

I feel tears slipping down my cheeks as I walk slowly towards the doors, staring up at them, really realizing for the first time thatthat I’m a cadet at the Alpha Academy. That I earned my spot, proved myself alongside everyone else

That I belong here

A huge rush of pride blooms in me as I cross the threshold and accept my spot as number 91, Ari Clark. Cadet of Alpha Academy

A huge shout goes up as soon as I step through the door, and I gasp as someone grabs me off my feet, spinning me in the air

But I know instantly, by touch and feel, by scent, that it’s my brother – 

And I give a little shriek of happiness and wrap my arms around his neck, tucking 

face against his neck as I cry and shout for the joy of it


You did it, Ari!Rafe shouts, his voice breaking in his excitement and his pride. I f**king knew you could do it! God damn it, I’m so proud of you!” 

He spins me twice more before putting me back on my feet, and I stumble back a step, dizzy, but grinning up at him – 


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