The Last Laugh

Chapter 22


Heather's POV:

Shirley convinced me to leave the office and follow her to the mall for a shopping session. I couldn't even refuse in the first place.

"Fine, Shirley. You win."

"Yes! I always do."

I smiled and stood up.

"Yeah, right. Let's go." I got my handbag and we left the office.

"Where are you going?" Sawyer asked, folding her arms, when we met her on the corridor.

"None of your business, Sawyer. Get out of the way." I said, irritated.

"I'm not going anywhere, Heather. Mom said you should never leave work before time. Especially for useless things."

I looked at her.

"And what makes you think I'm going to do something useless?"

"Her." she referred to Shirley.

"Excuse me?? What are you trying to mean?" Shirley asked irritated.

Sawyer smiled provocatively.

"Simply that useless people encourage useless things."

"What?" Shirley made a move for Sawyer but I stepped in the way and angrily stared at Sawyer.

"Sawyer, stop. I respect you enough as my little sister but don't take my leniency for granted."

She frowned.

"So you think I'm taking you for granted, huh?"

"You've always had. And I forgave you every time. Even when you caused me a lot of pain."

Sawyer's brows shot up.

"Great. I guess you're referring to what happened in the past."


She rolled her eyes.

every time, we would never have had all of this." she referred

fists close up tight. I turned

please go to the car.

as she was


now. Sheridan is dead. You're all grown up now. Get

that, since we were kids. She never took me seriously

called, feeling a lump in my


a day I won't forgive you. And there's a day when justice will be done. I would love to see you after

you trying

you to respect

to my hand, big

I was slow to anger and wouldn't

I walked past

"Heather! I'll

her sidekick nor partner in nonsense like you are!" I


"Fuck off!"


Ace's POV:

and Sawyer. I was on my way to another office when I saw them and had decided to hide

of disrespect she had for Heather. Just because Heather was quiet and tolerating like

Getting closer to Heather would not only help me regain her heart, it would also help

Sawyer, I now shared the hatred I had for her mother with her. I was stupid for having thought Sawyer

Christina especially.

disappearance and uncle Ken's death. I had to be careful and discrete. I would do whatever it took to know the truth. Even if I had to be


Heather's POV:

car, trying my

"You okay?" Shirley asked.

"I'll be fine."

"Well, okay..."

off. Maybe if I shopped a little, my mind would go off Sawyer and her bad


Christina's POV:

Heather said to her.

saying anything?"

do you want me to say, Sawyer? I don't know what's come

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