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The legendary warrior novel Chapter 1253

"Well, you don't need to concern yourself with that, Frank," maintained Lloyd. "You seem confident about that.

Then I'm really looking forward to the day when you, the Five-element Sect, can reappear your glorious glory!" Frank replied snidely.

After saying that, he turned his back on them and quickly left with his people.

They couldn't fight anyway, so it would be meaningless to stay.

The North Sect had initially declared that they would support the Luo Clan, but the Luo Clan had no assurance of their loyalty. If they fought with the Five-element Sect now, they could win but would surely suffer grave injuries. In that case, the North Sect might turn on them and take advantage of their momentary weakness.

Therefore, Frank couldn't attack recklessly and with no assurances.

And besides, even if the North Sect dared to blame him for not standing up to the Five-element Sect right now, he had a very good reason to back him up.

"You must be Ricky, right?" said Brandon to Ricky before he left. "Yes, I am,"

Ricky immediately replied, to which Brandon nodded. "I'll make sure to remember your face.

Enjoy your life to the fullest in the coming days because I'll come back after a while, cut your head, and send it to Walt as a gift," Brandon warned him in a calm tone as if he was just talking about the weather.

However, his words didn't belie his sinister intentions, and his eyes were clouded with contempt for Ricky.

"Don't let your mouth write checks that your ass can't cash. I'm warning you. If you come for me and lose, I won't hesitate to trample your head under my feet,"

Ricky countered coldly.

Of course, Ricky shouldn't be expected to be polite to Brandon, who had been so impolite to him. "You're pretty arrogant as a guy who comes from a no-name place!"

After saying that, Brandon left with a slight sneer.

This was how a potential war was concluded.

Meanwhile, the saints of the other branches approached Ricky, asked him some questions, and then left as well afterward.

And as soon as they arrived in the hall, Lloyd immediately thanked Ricky, Ashley, and Hayes for their help. "You did a good job. The Desolate Sorcery tribe is saved thanks to you guys.

Now, the Desolate Sorcery tribe will look for a place to settle down under Mordechai's leadership."

"Humph! Someone here has brought much bigger troubles, though," Ashley sneered as she glared at Ricky coldly.

Ricky only shrugged indifferently, knowing that Ashley was looking at him.

"This is a typical problem between great forces. Even before Ricky killed Lundy, the Five-element Sect has been in conflict with the Luo Clan and the North Sect for a long time, and the two groups have long coveted the Five-element Sect's territory. Lundy's death only served as a trigger," explained Lloyd.

"But with the North Sect as our enemy, our Five-element Sect is in terrible danger now," Hayes whined worriedly.

"You are right. If the North Sect is involved in it, our Five-element Sect is indeed in great danger. But the North Sect probably has no time to deal with us, and that is why they are taking advantage of the Luo Clan this time," Lloyd answered objectively.

"The North Sect is preoccupied with the more influential forces, so we don't have to worry about them for now.

And besides, you don't need to concern yourself with these problems. You have to focus on your training, so you can grow stronger." Lloyd expected them to grow stronger as soon as possible. He then continued, "Don't forget that you need to prepare yourself for the Territory Battle, which will be in three months!"


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