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The legendary warrior novel Chapter 182

'He has already cultivated to the Sixth Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula!' Zenith thought, looking at Ricky's blue body. There was a flash of surprise and excitement in his eyes.

However, as Ricky had already given him a great deal of excitement and surprise before, Zenith now remained pretty calm. Perhaps he would actually be surprised if Ricky didn't break out the Sixth Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula.

People including Elder Evan looked at each other in surprise at the sight of the Sixth Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula.

But as to be expected, Boris and Elder Logan were staring at Ricky murderously.

"Father, just set your heart at rest. He won't let you down," Grace said, feeling relatively confident.


Ricky felt that his body had become even more powerful than ever before once he reached the Sixth Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula. Now he did not feel the least bit threatened by Gennadi's virulent strikes.

"Chaotic Fire Skill—Heaven Melting Strike!"

With his Sixth Degree of Nine-degree Body Refining Formula, Ricky activated the Chaotic Fire Skill. His burning body was now covered by a sea of roaring flames and runes, which were born of the Heaven Melting Fire and shaped chaotic fire runes.

Now that Alva had suggested using raging power, the Heaven Melting Fire together with the Chaotic Fire Skill should be the most volatile power.

'It's that kind of fire again. I should make some time to talk with Ricky about that, ' Autelan thought to himself at this moment, because he felt the strong resonance again.

With his body tilting downwards, Ricky slashed at Gennadi.

It was just an ordinary slash, but all the Elders keenly felt the strong raging power in it. Ricky's rage even made them a little scared.

"Could this be a strong Beast Fire?" many Elders speculated at once.

"Clang!" The sound of metal clashing rang through the air. Ricky's saber collided heavily with Gennadi's sword.


A resounding thunderclap shook the air. The power of two flames collided fiercely like two falling firmaments. The power exploded instantly, as if was going to sweep everything away.

Thick strands of fire toxin flowed rapidly in the sword and soon affected Ricky's attack. The strong corrosion power seemed to corrupt everything, including Ricky's Light Apperception.

Ricky's fire attack was visibly fading away very quickly.

But those with sharp eyes could see that the fire toxin only corrupted the ordinary spiritual energy in Ricky's flame. The flame power of the Heaven Melting Fire and chaotic fire runes was not affected at all. Instead, they were now moving freely in the fire toxin.

Meanwhile, the raging power became fiercer and fiercer.

"Go to hell!" Gennadi said fiercely, smugly thinking that Ricky's power had now been compromised. He was now imagining how Ricky would tumble down awkwardly from the arena.

"Are you being too overconfident?" Ricky responded him with a rather insidious smile.

"What do you mean?" Looking at Ricky's sinister smile, Gennadi finally realized that something was wrong. Only now did he look more carefully at both of their attacks.

But it was already too late.

"Explode now!" Ricky shouted loudly.

"Boom! Bang!"


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