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The legendary warrior novel Chapter 2

"No! Don't! Stop it! Now!"

Ricky roared as soon as he came to his senses. He quickly grabbed his right wrist with his other hand and tried to prevent the scarlet bracelet from entering his body. Because his father told him that the bracelet was the only thing his beloved mother left him.

But time was not on his side --- it was too late for Ricky.

The chain attached itself into his wrist and he even felt the chain's power wander around inside his Soul Sea after reaching the depths of his body, even the tiniest of his nerves.

Bang! When the chain circled round, Ricky felt his frail body shudder at the unexpected impact. His entire body was suspended in a state of palsy, which strangely made him feel comfortable as though he was protected by the chain from its impact.

Ricky felt that his entire body --- bones, flesh and blood seemed to be reformed in an instant, overfilling with endless power hidden within himself waiting to be unleashed.

During the transformation, the chain attached to him changed its appearance, and it somehow made a connection with the meridian center of his brain and meridians all over his body.

"What is happening..."

Ricky felt the change within his body and became aware that his hands kept trembling. There was a panic, yet joyful and unbelievable expression that you could see in his eyes. Ricky was overjoyed with tears. He had forgotten to take out the chain left by his mother from his body.

The warrior's mystic spiritual meridian was circling round and round in his Soul Sea and connected with the very meridian center of his brain. The spiritual meridian absorbed the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth which went through the skull and planted itself to Ricky's medial being. The spiritual energy flowed into every part of his body and scoured every inch, every fold, and every nerve, flesh and blood and the soul. At last, it returned to the elixir field to make a breakthrough.

And that was the process of cultivation.

And now, the stuff made from the chain transformed exactly the same as the spiritual meridian. It was impossible for Ricky not to be excited or nervous. The power from the spiritual meridian he had lost for a long time finally came back.

Subconsciously, Ricky pushed this newly acquired spiritual meridian to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


Immediately, Ricky sensed that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around him was rushing to get inside his body crazily, like the flowing water bursting to flow open. In a flash, every part of his body was filled with spiritual energy.

"Aha! This must be the spiritual meridian! The spiritual meridian... I knew it!"

At the moment, without thinking about anything else, Ricky stood up and roared up to the sky with a thrill of exultation.

However, all the members of the Nan Clan went to the central courtyard to congratulate the new chosen successor. There was no one else around Ricky's small shabby courtyard to witness his transformation.


In tune with Ricky's excited laughter, a sound of a film breaking appeared from his belly.

While being covered with the invisible spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Ricky's aura changed and was promoted to a higher level. Without a doubt, it was the sign of breakthrough.

After Ricky regained the spiritual meridian, he made a breakthrough and quickly reached the second grade of the Skin Refinement.

Of course, after having the spiritual meridian back, the change was inevitable. Ricky was once a powerful warrior at the sixth grade of the Skin Refinement. Although his cultivation base was destroyed, he still had the physical form of someone in the sixth grade. Because Ricky had worked hard for the past years, he had a very solid foundation for his form.

He now understood why he couldn't break through before. He was unable to do it because he lacked the necessary blood vitality for the breakthrough. And also, most importantly, because he didn't have the spiritual meridian back then.

Now his spiritual meridian was back, like a blocked river bursting open, even better than before. Naturally, he could break through effortlessly.

"Aha. Father, did you see it? I now have the spiritual meridian and can cultivate again," Ricky said excitedly when he realized that he had reached the second grade of the Skin Refinement.

He reopened the door to the martial arts world.


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