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The legendary warrior novel Chapter 241

With intense momentum, the only element visible was the blur of the rapid movements of the fist and the claw. When the two forces finally collided, Ricky and Tiger were locked into a stalemate. The power and spiritual energy kept surging from their arms for support.

"Is it possible that this may cause havoc on both parties when this smite is over?" The warriors gathered around were speculating while watching the stalemate.

"Great! They can both go to hell!"

At once, a warrior at the fourth grade of Bone Reinforcement hustled into the combat between Ricky and Tiger, striking his most powerful punch towards them.

Ricky and Tiger were still on brawl against each other. The two, however, realized that if they take a blow from the man, it could cause them serious harm. This could indeed be the perfect timing for that warrior at the fourth grade of Bone Reinforcement to make a surprise attack.

But he realized he had spoken too soon. He underestimated how powerful Tyson and Kristen could be.

As soon as he let out his powerful blow, an iron-like fist hit him in the air which felt like two huge mountains crushing him.

He was in intense excruciating pain. A sudden gush of power rushing to his arms seemed to rip his arms apart. He couldn't endure it at all. A spit of blood came out of his mouth and he rolled to the ground in pain.

He was breathing heavily and his eyes were in terror. He died on the ground. Every inch of his body felt the tremor leaving him completely shattered.

"I will not spare anyone who tries to interfere with the battle. This is what is going to happen." Tyson was not completely satisfied when he killed the man who was at the fourth grade of Reinforcement with only one shot. He just looked at everyone with apathy and gave a warning.

The warriors were all threatened to witness Tyson's power of the fifth grade of the Bone Reinforcement.

"How is it possible?" "He is a warrior at the fifth grade of Bone Reinforcement?! I thought that the young man in the battle was the best." The spectating warriors muttered to each other.

"It seems that today, the Tiger Gang was meant to be destroyed. A warrior of the fifth grade of Bone Reinforcement is known as the top fighters in the Lower Region. If they would set up their combat troops, they will surely clash with the rest of the top ten gangs."

"A conflict will bring us good. Perhaps they will come to destroy all other gangs and meet their doom. When this happens, we can totally take advantage of it!"

There was a long moment of silence.

Ricky didn't want to waste any time. At once, he channeled the power of the Heaven Melting Fire to his Fire Cloud Fist, so the fist's power changed dramatically, which made him smash Tiger's claw.

Fire Cloud Fist was a cultivation method that could make warriors explore and channel their spiritual energy to its highest form. Ricky possessed both the Fire Cloud Fist and Heaven Melting Fire. There was no doubt that Tiger whose only at the fourth grade of the Bone Refinement couldn't match up with Ricky.

Besides, what Tyson did just now also distracted Tiger.

Tiger did not do anything while his opponent was gaining more power. It was quite obvious that he would lose the battle this time.

Tiger was defeated. This destruction meant that he would soon meet his doom.

Perhaps Ricky would have been soft-hearted and let everything pass if it had happened in another location. This is not how things work in the Chaotic Region. It would appear that he was weak and an indecisive man if he let Tiger go.

Ad in that case, anyone who was not as powerful as Ricky was would dare to taunt his strength and even challenge him.

When Tiger fell to the ground, Ricky hastily moved towards Tiger and used his Iron Destroyer to slash his neck.

"We will take the Tiger Gang's castle. Anyone who's not with me can come up here and face me!" Ricky, standing straightforward carrying his Iron Destroyer, viciously peered at everyone in a loud commanding voice.


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