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The legendary warrior novel Chapter 29

"Ah!" screamed Finn.

His body was consumed by the raging flames in midair before he fell into the pond.

The water was shallow and it was easy to see that Finn was fatally wounded. Ricky decided to deliver the deciding blow to end his life.

Walking into the pond, he played his sword under Finn's head, severing it from his body in one swoop. Then, he took away Finn's ironwood with him.

Turning around, he saw Heather and Waylon still fighting.

Sensing Ricky's murderous gaze, Waylon felt a pang of fear. He realized that Finn must have lost and the sight of his dead body in the pond sent a chill to his heart immediately.

Wracked with fear, Waylon turned around and tried to flee.

"It's too late to run now!" Ricky sneered, smiling at Waylon's receding figure.

Heather, who was unwilling to admit herself outdone, tried to stop Waylon from leaving.

Striding up to Waylon, Ricky blocked his path. Since Heather was standing right behind Waylon, he knew that it would be hard for him to escape now.

"Boy, you'd better let me go, and I will consider letting you live. Or you prepare for the wrath of the Wang Clan! They will definitely tear you into pieces!" Waylon threatened indignantly.

"Hahaha! Don't you know? The last person who said something like that to me is dead now," Ricky replied ominously.

Without another word, Ricky slashed at Waylon with his burning sword.

With Heather's help, Waylon couldn't even last three more strokes before he fell dead.

"Thank you, Ricky!" exclaimed Heather, her face flushed a little.

"It's my pleasure. It's an honor to help a beauty such as you. You're welcome!" Ricky replied teasingly.

Heather's face turned immediately red. She was embarrassed yet happy to be called a beauty.

"Are you from Lion King Castle?" Ricky asked, changing the subject.

"Yes, my father is the master of Lion King Castle," Heather replied, nodding. She was really proud of and adored her father. His approval meant everything to her.

"Oh! That means you didn't even need to fight for Sacred Blood Crystal through this Iron Blood Trial!" Ricky said, visibly excited.

"I just wanted to go through this training," Heather replied.

"So, it means that you don't need these black dots, do you? Then I'll take all five hundred black dots. Thank you!" Ricky said with a beaming smile. He then transferred Finn's and Waylon's black dots to his ironwood at once, quivering with joy.

Heather was stunned by his actions.

Even though she didn't need the black dots, she thought that Ricky should have at least asked for her permission as a gentleman should. Better yet, he could have offered to give her half of it. However, Ricky took all the black dots without even waiting for her response. She felt a little upset. She wondered if she had lost her charm.

Just a few minutes ago, he called her a beauty. She thought he would have shown her some more consideration.

"Ms. Heather, do you have more black dots? Can you give all of them to me in return for saving your life?" Ricky asked cheekily. Heather had been lost in thought, trying to figure him out.

Now his suggestion made her even angrier.

"No," she replied distantly.

"What a pity!" Ricky was a little disappointed, but he didn't even notice that her tone had changed already.

However, now that he had nearly seven hundred black dots, he was quite confident that he could win the spot for getting into the Sacred Blood Pond.

After speaking, Ricky turned to Anaconda-tailed Tiger's dead body. Since Heather was standing right next to him, he couldn't put the corpse into his Blood Zone in front of her.


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