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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 102


Why am I feeling like this?

I stop in my tracks, wanting to tell them about the voice I heard. Of Apophis and what he said, but how do I tell them?

Hesitating, I stop before the witches, and Raihana gives me a small smile.

“We got this.” She says confidently.

“Yeah, I just… before we begin, I want to tell you I heard a voice… and it came from the snake.”

I hear a murmur go through the room and know it sounds bloody unbelievable.

“And what did this snake that only you can see, say?” Sephora asks.

“It said, Daughter of Selene… and I replied, servant of Apophis-”

Sephora cuts me off, making my eyes flash with irritation.

“And how do you know that it was the servant of Apophis? Is this a web of lies that you have spun after we mentioned the visions we’ve seen. If that is the-”

“This is a trial, and every side is allowed to speak in their own defence. Do not pressurise the suspect into not stating vital information, it’s almost as if you have something against her. Do you?” Leo asks coldly.

“And for someone in your position, you should know that this was already shared with the council.” Grandad El says and I look at Magdalene and Janaina.

So they know?

“That is correct. Sephora, please, calm yourself or I will have you step out.” Janaina says warningly.

“Her eyes are the same shade as the unseen monster. What proof is there that they are not one and the same!

Leo cocks a brow. “I understand that this is upsetting for you, considering you are the aunt of one of the deceased.

However, if you can’t behave professionally, then I would suggest the same as High Witch Janaina. And I’m sure the jury would agree. So, step the fuck out if you can’t behave professionally.”

“You are not a prime member of the council. In fact, until now you refused to even join and now that it’s convenient, you simply step in?” She says.

Dad growls as Leo cocks a brow, not phased. I glance at Azura, who's watching him with damn googly eyes.

I wish Royce was here… Fuck, I’m jealous.

“I'm stepping in as a substitute, please calm yourself, Ms Sephora. You’re only embarrassing yourself.” Leo says calmly, only making Sephora look fucking pathetic.

I look at her, my heart thudding, related to the girl who died…

“Are you ready?” Janaina says to me, and I nod.

Casting a glance over at Aleric, I see that he’s simply sitting there ever so calmly…

I turn to Mama, needing someone to tell me it’s going to be ok, and she smiles comfortingly, giving me strength that I never fucking knew I needed. Azura… Kat… Song, they’re all here, and so is most of my family…

I wish I could mind-link someone right now.

I close my eyes as Janaina begins whispering the spell, placing two fingers to my forehead.

I wish I had Malevolent with me right now. I hug myself as I feel her magic rush through me, it's gentle, a rippling sensation really.

My breath suddenly constricts, and a sharp pain goes through my head.


Is this… is this meant to be painful?

My heart is pounding loudly in my ears, and I can’t even focus much. Screams and darkness surround me, and I force my eyes open. Why isn’t the scene replaying from the car?

I look around, trying to figure out what part this is, and I find myself looking through my eyes, but the only thing is, they are not mine, because whoever or whatever the fuck this memory belongs to, they’re fucking ripping through a body as they toss it around like a sack of potatoes.

Someone gasps, sobbing in the background, but I can’t move. I can’t fucking do anything as everyone watches the scene straight out of a fucking horror movie.

This isn’t mine! My heart’s pounding as I clutch my chest, trying to bring the memory forward, but…

What happened that day?

“Servant of Apophis…”

I hear my own voice hiss.

That’s not me!

I try to speak, but my head feels like it’s being split open. I hear a scream and I’m sure it was me, as I clutch at my head.

“That’s enough!” Someone shouts, just as a surge of my power emits off me and Janaina is thrown back, clutching her chest.




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