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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 46


I shut the door after he leaves and I lean against the wall, resting my head back. I’m unable to wipe this stupid smile off my face.

Royce Arden…

My stomach does a flip, and my smile vanishes.

I’m falling for him… even if he isn’t Reign… I’m somehow falling for him, which means… I’m going to have to tell Aleric…

I’m so fucked up…

“Sky! If you’re done flirting, do you want to actually come and watch?” Jayce calls.

“I’m not flirting. He’s gone.” I say, rolling my eyes and heading to my bedroom, I quickly change out of my dirty clothes. I wipe my face and neck, my heart skipping a beat as I remember how his hands had run along my throat…


I close my eyes, holding my shirt against my neck, as I inhale deeply. His scent lingers…

“Fuck, that one must have hurt!” Ares curses, snapping me from my thoughts. Tossing my clothes in my washing hamper, I head to the lounge. I’ll shower later… I don’t mind his scent lingering on me a little longer, even if I do feel a little sticky.

I return to the lounge, ready to watch the rest of this match and to relay everything to Royce, ignoring the looks I’m getting.

“So you and Arden seem close.” Theo remarks, downing his coca cola.

“We train almost daily.” I shrug.

“Train?” Ahren asks cheekily.

I give him a scathing glare, watching the television, hoping they don’t ask more nosy questions.

“There're rumours going around about you and the other Arden. You know that right?” Jayce says after a while, like he’s damn twenty or something.

“Yeah, it’s BS.” I lie,

“Yeah, I’d think they would match you up with this one at this rate.” Carter adds, “Both are handsome.”

“Mmm,” I say lightly, not wanting to discuss guys with this bunch. Like seriously?

Actually, I want to ask Azura what Leo thought of Royce since I know they met up for a chat. I make a mental note of that and focus on the match as I begin to fill Royce in, in the same way I used to do with Reign…


“You guys could just crash here.” I say, looking at the clock on the wall.

It’s late, and it’s a good twenty-minute drive to the school from here at this time, despite the lack of traffic through town.

“We brought our bikes.” Jayce says, standing up.

I tilt my head, bikes… after that death noodle attack around here, I don’t want them out there…

“I don’t care, you guys are little babies, come I’ll drop you at the edge of the woods.”

“Are you for real? Babies? You called us gorillas earlier.” Theo reminds me with a scoff. “I’m taking my bike.”

Both Theo and Jayce have mopeds but legally they are not of age, and you have to cross through the human town. At this time of night they are more likely to be stopped and what if they’re caught for being underage?

“Guys, I don’t think that’s smart.” I say, “Especially since it’s late and you know about the attacks.”

“I’m with Sky on this one. I don’t want to bother going through the woods at this time of night. Want to give me a lift?” Carter says.

Jayce shakes his head. “You guys do what you want. We already look eighteen. No one will stop us.” The confidence in his voice makes me suspicious.

“You've got a fake ID, right?” I ask accusingly.

Jayce cocks a brow. “I’m not Theo or you. What’s life without risk?” with that, he heads out first.


Damn, I forget even the Westwoods are fucking cocky jerks, too. I shake my head.

“Ahren, Renji and Carter, you three are with me.

“Smart choice. They might need their asses saved from whatever killing machine there is out there.” Ares says cockily as he brushes past Renji and flicks his forehead.

“Shut it! When you become its next meal, then we’ll be the ones laughing.” I shout after him.

I hate that I have to be the dumb responsible one here. I go grab my phone, shoes, and keys before we all head out.

Jayce is already on his bike and ready to go, but before he disappears, I don’t miss the fact that he’s got a damn motorbike, which even I’m not legally allowed to use until I’m 19.

“Where did he get that?” I ask.

Renji sighs, “He brought it, but Dad doesn’t know… or Mom…” He says, sounding guilty and worried at the same time.

“Fucking Westwood!” I growl.

“Ah, a rebel to a rebel.” Ahren hums. I cast him a scathing glare, as I step into the pouring rain.

What the hell is wrong with this weather?


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