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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 48


Then Sky fucking grab her and run!

But I know that I won’t outrun it… I’m barely standing…

The rain continues to pour down; the darkness becomes visible, almost like smoke and soon all I can see is just me and the snake in a cloud of darkness.

‘Daughter of Selene…’

The voice seems to come from all around me.

Chilling, powerful, and pure evil…

I scan the area.

Where is that voice coming from? My plum eyes snap back to the snake, my heart thudding loudly.

That intelligent look has returned, and I wonder…

Can it speak or is something controlling it?

My mind returns to Kataleya’s words.


I stare at the snake, avoiding looking at its bloody mutilated eye as its body flicker in and out of my vision.

I don’t know how it’s doing that disappearing act, but I should be more focused on the fact it can fucking speak and not that it’s got some wacky magician tricks.

“Servant of Apophis…” I counter, making sure to keep my voice strong and powerful.

I keep my gaze locked with his, challengingly.

The snake hisses, but it doesn’t move.

Its face stretches in what I have to admit is one fucking terrifying grin before it darts at me.

‘The time is near….to fulfil my duty… ’ It whispers as I jump to the side. It turns at the last moment, hissing as it opens his mouth, ready to impale me on its fangs.

He spits something, what I assume is venom at me and I fail to dodge, gasping when I feeling the burning pain rush through my neck.

I turn, falling to the muddy ground.

There are many ways to die… but getting killed by a huge Death Noodle? Nope, that’s not one I’ve imagined, and trust me, I’ve imagined many ways I could possibly die, including experiencing an incredible orgasm.

“What do you want from me!” I hiss, as I take cover under a tree as the huge snake breaks it in seconds, sending splintered wood everywhere.

Fuck, I need help.

Me -Lucifer fucking needs help…

Lycans are meant to fight alone… come on girl you got this…

Unleash the beast…

I’m already using all my anger and power, what more can I do?

I am a Rossi, and we never bow down to our enemies.

I close my eyes, taking deep steadying breaths before my eyes open, burning bright.

If I’m going to die, it won’t be because I’m hiding… it will be in battle.

I stand up, forcing my body to shift once again. I turn and look at the huge motherfucker.

Come to fucking Mama.

I grab a piece of wood and back away, assessing the area without taking my eyes off him.

I have one last chance….

One chance to give it my all because I won’t have the strength for another round…

Exhaling slowly, I run at the snake head-on.

Ok Sky. One. Fucking. Shot!

I use an upturned tree for leverage and twist at the last moment and slam the sharp, jagged end of wood into his damaged eye. It roars in agony and I slam all my force into it, feeling it rip through him as I push the two-foot piece of wood almost fully into its eyes.

I turn as I hear the swish of its enormous tail come at me. I try to get out of the way, but I’m too slow, and it smashes into my waist, the sharpness of its scales cutting through me.


It hurts…



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