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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 56


It's much later, and I am irritated to find I have to stay at the hospital, but after arguing with Mama and Dad for a few minutes I was too exhausted to continue and had simply laid down again, giving them a glare and ignoring them.

I had spoken to Azura, Kataleya and Song on video call earlier, which had been nice. Uncle and Winona had left after an hour, too.

It’s been a few hours since I shut my eyes as I pretend to sleep with Malevolent in my arms as I cuddle her. But, I’m unable to sleep, despite how weak and exhausted I feel.

Mama is sitting in the chair beside the bed, whilst Dad is out trying to hunt for clues.

“So want to tell me about him?” Mama asks.

She knows I am awake.

I open my eyes, looking across to her in the room that is only lit by the light coming through the glass above the door.

“There’s nothing to say.” I reply softly.

I mean, I slept with his brother. I also thought I liked his brother, who I’ve been flirting with all through the summer holidays…


That is something I am going to have to address with Royce… this isn’t like the last times that I’ve been in relationships. There’s more to it, so much more to Royce.

“Isn’t there? I won’t judge.” Mama says, crossing her legs as she leans forward.

I laugh. “Yeah, I mean aside from Dad, did you ever fuck stuff up or, like, fuck with other people that could affect things with Dad or others who are important to you?”

Mama smiles softly before she sighs. “Yes… yes, I have. I was pretty reckless at your age, and I acted on emotion. I did something really stupid once… something I never should have and in the process, I did hurt your dad, badly. He didn’t make matters easier at the time, agreeing to marry someone else and I was hurt and acted stupidly, but it’s something I know hurt him for a while.


“Now I want to know who you banged.” I say suspiciously.

Mama raises an eyebrow, and I know that is something I won’t ever learn.


“So, tell me, why is it complicated with Royce? You two seem very much in love.” She says, ruffling her long hair.

I sigh. “Royce is a good boy.”

I scrunch my nose up, mulling over Royce. My hair falls across my face, but I don’t bother pushing it back and Mama smiles amused, as she watches me.

“I never knew you liked good boys.” She teases, reaching over and brushing my hair off my face.

“I didn’t either… But he doesn’t fear me, he doesn’t treat me like I’m a problem and above all, he has this calmness around him that…” I suddenly feel emotional, an influx of feelings hitting me as I try to voice the words that I dare not speak. I take a deep, shaky breath and close my eyes for a moment. “When I’m with him, I don’t feel like I’m drowning in my emotions, and I don’t feel suffocated. I feel light, I feel like I can be me, without something bad happening. Like I know he’ll be there to fix… fuck.”

I turn onto my back, looking the other way, not wanting her to see my tears. I hear her getting up and adjusting the bed into an upright position.

Malevolent meows before she moves to the end of the bed and curls up once more.

“You love him.” Mama says softly as she sits on the bed.

She isn’t asking, she’s stating it.

“No, I don’t.” I roll my eyes. “I don’t do that shit.”

To my surprise, she bursts out laughing, startling Malevolent, who hisses and jumps off the bed.

“Oops, I’m sorry Mal.” Mama says, but she’s still smiling from ear to ear as she shakes her head. “Your father also didn’t do that… shit.”

I can’t help but grin. “Until Mama, his little nympho, came along, right?”

She nods, “Sky… you have always kept up a front, I see it, but I can’t break through… Ever since that time when you were children…”

I know she means when Kataleya was taken, I can see the harrowed expression on her face, knowing those memories still haunted her.

Those memories haunt me too…

“Yeah. I know what you’re trying to say… but I tried to be a big girl… I didn’t want anyone having to worry about me because Kat needed you guys. She went through so much more.” I shrug.

Mama shakes her head, tears in her eyes. “No my angel, you needed us too, and until this day you hide your pain… I love you, your dad loves you. Dante… Kat… Alessandra… we all love you.” She strokes my cheek.

“I’m fine.” I say, I don’t like this emotional shit. “So yeah, Royce, makes me feel good.”

I nod slowly. I know she knows I don’t want to push the topic further, and she doesn’t. Instead, she smiles slyly.

“Oh?” She teases although I know she knows what I mean. “Is he good?”

She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and I pout.

“Well yes he’s incredible and the best kisser ever, but we haven’t done the nasty yet.” I say, pulling a face.

Mama looks surprised at that. “I wouldn’t have expected that.”

“Told you he’s a good boy.” I grumble. “I’m your teacher. I will never take advantage of my student.” I add in a very posh accent.

Mama smiles. “That makes me like him even more. He sounds like a keeper.”

“Yeah.” I say, feeling my cheeks heat a little.

Damn, is this how Kataleya feels when she talks about Little Boy Hook?

The fear that Royce’s mate would show up one day suddenly enters my mind and I suddenly feel cold.

“Mama… have you ever heard of anyone choosing a chosen mate over their mate? I mean, is it possible?” I ask quietly.

Mama is silent for a moment. “Often chosen mates are taken when a mate is lost… I know a few people who have rejected their mates because of abuse or simply because they find them too weak. It’s rare but it happens and not always are blessed mates good for us… I’m not saying that’s the case often, but I remember what Aunty Indigo had become… and although her mate was able to cheat on her countless times, she couldn’t leave him.” She sighs heavily.

Yeah, I know about it.

“Yeah… He was a fucking dick who needed his dick grated off, millimetre by millimetre and then made into kebabs and fed to him,” I say sombrely.

Mama looks disturbed for a moment before she shakes her head and I smirk.


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