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The Millennium Wolves novel Chapter 1


When I got home, my mother was beaming. “Selene told me you made a little visit to the Pack House today to see somebody special.”

Yeah, he certainly was special. A special kind of repulsive. If only she knew what an arrogant asshole Aiden was.

“You shouldn’t believe everything Selene says,” I replied, making a break for my room, but I wasn’t quick enough.

“What’s that on your neck?” my mom called out.

Shit, I had completely forgotten to cover up before coming home. “I…uh…’

“Oh, come on, honey. I’m your mother. I know everything.” She laughed.

“Michelle opened her fat mouth, didn’t she?” I sighed.

“Don’t blame Michelle. I would’ve rather heard it from my own daughter, but someone is so secretive these days,” she scolded. “Anything else you’d like to share?” I glanced at my mother, hating myself a little


She just wanted to be close with me, to know what was happening in my world. It was in her blood to be open about everything, Selene had inherited that 100 percent.

But me? As I was adopted, I had a few traits that were completely and totally my own.

This included my red hair, my keeping of secrets, and, of course, my not-so-subtle sway over people.

When I thought about these differences between my mother and me, my heart ached a little bit.

Who had made me this way? My mystery parents were out there somewhere.

I wondered if they were similarly red-headed. Were they also secretive? Most importantly, were they, like me, uniquely powerful?

“There’s nothing to share,” I lied, putting aside all these scattered thoughts.

I was not about to spill the beans that I was Aiden Norwood’s “challenge” for the Season

Besides, enough people had seen me barge into the Pack House half-shifted that she probably had a good idea of what had gone on.

“Why are you so grumpy? You should be beaming. Not just anybody gets marked by the Alpha, let alone has a chance to, well, you know,” she said, winking.

“Ew, gross,” I spat out.

“Sienna, I don’t understand. He’s unbelievably gorgeous. What’s the matter?”

“So why don’t you go have sex with him?” I retorted, pushing past her and slamming the front door behind me.

I needed to get away from everyone before I exploded. They only knew the Aiden Norwood from their fantasies, the one they saw from a distance.

None of them knew him like I did. The self-absorbed Alpha who marked girls for the fun of it.

Not to mention this stupid Haze that made me melt whenever he came close.

I wanted to turn back time and never go to that dumb dinner. My life had been so much easier, my secret so much safer.

In times like these I would retreat to the river to clear my head, but that was one more place that Aiden had ruined for me.

I had only one refuge left to turn to: the little art gallery uptown that I’d discovered with Emily during one of our walks.

The outside was nothing more than an old metal door with flaky blue paint. You’d pass right by if you weren’t looking for it.

I ran there as fast as my legs could carry me.


I collapsed on the gallery’s red leather bench, exhausted. My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath. I’d started to take off my coat when my pocket vibrated.

Michelle hey! are u okay?


ur mom says u ran out of the house upset

Sienna Yeah, I’m fine

Michelle are u though? u were moody at brunch

Michelle there’s something ur not telling me Michelle it’s about aiden isn’t it?

Sienna I told you don’t want to talk about it

Sienna My mom was asking me all these questions

Sienna I needed to get out of there Michelle si, what’s really going on?

Michelle u can tell me

Sienna I’ll be better tomorrow promise

Sienna Just need to clear my head Michelle where ru?

Sienna I went for a walk uptown

Michelle lets meet up and talk

Sienna I kind of want to be alone right now

Michelle txt me when u get home, k?

Sienna Sure

Michelle I’m here for u, bitch xoxo

Michelle meant well, but she was too boy-crazed to understand. That was why I’d always liked having Emily to turn to.

I could tell her anything, and she would just. listen. I never felt like I was being judged when I talked to her.

The art on the wall was an assortment of mixed media collages. Some were cityscapes while others were abstract portraits of everyday people.

One in particular perfectly encapsulated my current emotions. It was a lithograph of a young girl in her Sunday best.

She had a far-off look in her eyes that spoke to me, and a mess of trash and found objects, which the artist had glued to the canvas, spewed from her head.

 Book 1: Chapter: 9  1

 Book 1: Chapter: 9  2


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