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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 131

“What do you want?” asked Chen Hao coldly. He did not expect such coincidence to bump into Wang Xiaoti here.

“Haha! Let me ask you this then. After humiliating me this morning, how do you feel now, standing in front of me as a waiter?”

Wang Xiaoti asked vengefully.

When she had eggs thrown onto her face this morning, Wang Xiaoti’s feelings were a mixture of regret and hate. Furthermore, she felt really embarrassed when Chen Hao made her look foolish in that instant.

Wang Xiaoti was troubled by these emotions for the entire day.

Now, she really wanted to take her revenge on him.

“Nothing much, I am very busy now. If you have anything to say to me, spit it out!” said Chen Hao indifferently as he gave her a bitter smile.

“Haha, busy? Don’t make me laugh, Chen Hao. Get me a napkin this instant!”

Wang Xiaoti pointed to a box of napkins beside her.

“You are a waiter now and your job is to serve the customers. If you refuse to do that, I will file a complaint to your manager.”

Chen Hao nearly fainted as he listened to her non-stop ramblings.

However, she did have a point there. Currently, he was only a waiter and hence he was required to serve the customers.

And so, he picked up a piece of napkin and gave it to her.

“I don’t want it! My shoes are dirty and I want you to clean it!”

Wang Xiaoti was as proud as a peacock.

“Did you hear what she said? Xiaoti asked you to clean her shoes. Hah! We thought the Chen Hao she mentioned was a tall and handsome man. We're really disappointed when we saw you.”

“That’s right! Aren't you rich? Why did you come to the bar to become a waiter? Guys who pretend to be wealthy when they actually aren’t are such disgusting creatures.”

“Haha! Xiao was right. Some people would do anything to preserve their ego!”

Several girls crossed their arms and started ridiculing him.

On the other hand, Wang Xiaoti was still waiting for him to clean her shoes with her foot raised.

However, Chen Hao did not bother to clean her shoes. Instead, he put down the napkin and said, “If you want somebody to clean your shoes, then leave Jin Ling Commercial Street and go to the bars in the red light district area. There would even be somebody to lick your feet there.” Chen Hao immediately turned to leave after blurting out those words.

“Y-You!” Wang Xiaoti almost burst out in rage.

He actually asked her to find a male prostitute!

However, if she looked at it from a different perspective, Wang Xiaoti wasn’t angry anymore, instead she was quite happy.

After all, the things that she had been worrying about for the entire day were finally gone. It was akin to removing a huge mountain that had been weighing down on her shoulders for quite some time. Currently, she felt as light as a feather.

She really thought that Chen Hao was a rich person. Furthermore, she even assumed that he might be the owner of the Lamborghini.

If it was true, then she would just kill herself as she had offended a true rich second generation heir.

Wang Xiaoti was even thinking shamelessly, how nice it would be if her first meeting with Chen Hao went a little bit nicer.

In short, Wang Xiaoti was feeling regretful and depressed for the entire day.

But in the end, when she came out to relieve her boredom at night, she found out that Chen Hao was different from what she imagined him to be. He was a loser who would throw away his image just to satisfy his ego.

What a relief. She thought to herself as she laughed.

“Get lost, loser. Come my friends, let us continue our drinking session!”

Chen Hao returned to the bar counter after finally finishing his job of moving the wine bottles.

He felt depressed the entire time.

Since there was nothing else for him to do here, he figured he should tell Meng Cairu that he was going back.

Thus, Chen Hao arrived at the private room Meng Cairu was in.

A group of men and women were drinking inside the private room at this moment.

“Come on, Miss Meng, you have lost again. You can choose to either take off a piece of clothing or finish drinking this bottle of red wine in one go. Your choice.”

A short, fat middle-aged man was currently sitting beside Meng Cairu.

He was sitting very close to her and looking at her with lust in his eyes.

“I did not lose! It’s obvious that you tricked me!”

It was clear that Meng Cairu really hated this short, fat middle-aged man and the situation she was in now.

At that moment, she was struggling to deal with them all.

“Hahaha, you still lost as you never mentioned that tricking you into losing would not have counted. Since you do not want to drink the red wine, then just undress yourself already.” The man sniggered.

The short, fat middle-aged man grabbed Meng Cairu’s skirt and started groping his way upward.

“Are you out of your f*cking mind?!”



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