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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 165

Lin Yiyi—who was just about to take a nap—was shocked.

She picked up her mobile phone and looked at it hurriedly. She was surprised at first, then shocked and rushed out of her bed and ran towards the restaurant in her pajamas.

She was surprised because the person of her dreams came to her college, and she was shocked because Young Master Chen was being beaten up in the live broadcast!

At the same time, something else happened at the Kickboxing Society of Jiang Nan College.

It was a large club as there were more than 300 students in the society. It was established by a rich guy after he had directly spoken to the school and had the land approved.

At the moment, there was a match ongoing inside the ring.

“Good! Awesome!”

After one player knocked down the other player with a roundhouse kick, a thundering noise echoed throughout the court.


The young man eased up his neck and walked out. Immediately, his sidekick opened the bottle and gave it to him. After a few drinks, he threw the bottle aside.

“Wow, you are so powerful and handsome!” several beautiful girls with mobile phones rushed into his arms and said.

“Handsome my a*s. You thought I didn’t notice all of you staring at your mobile phones just now? What are you looking at? How dare you not watch me box?” the young man grumbled coldly.

“Haha, we are watching Liao Hong slapping someone. Look, Liao Hong is teaching this poor loser a lesson!”

The girl opened the live stream on her phone and handed it to him.

“Sh*t! C-Chen...”

The young man’s body was trembling and then he violently pushed away the girls in his arms.

“What’s wrong, Young Master Bai?” the girls complained.

“Hurry up! Get some men and let’s go to Sulati Restaurant!”

Naturally, this young man was Bai Xiaofei!

As soon as the boys heard it, they all gathered and rushed to Sulati Restaurant.

Even Zhou Ze—who was now Bai Xiaofei’s buddy—got the news and went there immediately.

At Sulati Restaurant, Wang Ling had slapped Chen Hao three times.

“Hmph! You dare to bully our Liao Hong? I will kill you!”

Wang Ling wasn’t satisfied yet. As she was about to give her fourth slap, she heard a loud cry.

“Damn, Young Master Bai is here with so many people!”

The crowd blocking the entrance of the western restaurant immediately dispersed as they saw around one to two hundred people coming this way.

“Oh! Bai Xiaofei is here too?! Haha, they are so thoughtful. They have come to support me because they know that I’m teaching someone a lesson here!”

Liao Hong stood up immediately when she saw Bai Xiaofei.

This was a sign of respect, she supposed. Although she was not in a gang with Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei was quite powerful in Jiang Nan College as well, so their relationship was quite good.

However, when Liao Hong wanted to say hello to Bai Xiaofei who rushed into the restaurant, she heard him say, “Damn it! Smash everything and beat up all those who are standing!”

A group of people rushed in and started smashing. Those who were holding down Chen Hao were knocked out.

Even the tables and chairs in the restaurant were badly smashed.

As for the men and women standing beside Liao Hong, no doubt, they were all being beaten up violently!

Liao Hong almost went crazy.

“F*ck! Bao Xiaofei! Are you mad? I am Liao Hong! Why are you hitting my people?”

Liao Hong's eyes widened.


Bai Xiaofei went up and slapped Liao Hong's face.

“Bi*ch, you are the one I want to hit!”

After he had slapped her, Bai Xiaofei rushed towards Chen Hao and asked, “C-C-Chen Hao, are you alright?”

Bai Xiaofei was breaking out in cold sweat.

Chen Hao rubbed his face which had been slapped three times. Anger boiled in his stomach.

If Bai Xiaofei hadn’t come today, he couldn’t imagine how these people would have tortured him!

Luckily he came in time!

“Chen Hao, what should I do with this woman that hit you just now?”

Zhou Ze had come to Chen Hao with Wang Ling's hair in his hands.

It was really crazy!


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