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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 187

“My grandmother used to wear this bracelet. Because I own nothing else as valuable as this, I can only offer this as a compensation...”

Chen Hao came up with a lie.

“Damn, Chen Hao, do you have any idea how much it's worth? Are you sure you won’t regret giving it to Qin Ya? You can still take it back now!”

The restlessness in Zhao Tongtong’s heart finally dissipated.

Damn, she was so shocked just now by the fact that Chen Hao was able to afford that Cloud of Dragon Jade Bracelet which was worth two hundred thousand. Could he be a rich guy trying to keep a low profile?

In fact, Zhao Tongtong did not look down on him.

To her, Chen Hao was just a loser. She just felt unconvinced if he were to transform into a rich guy all of a sudden.

Luckily, he was not rich.

“I had no idea back then, but now I have realised it’s true worth. I have no regrets. Qin Ya, just take it!”

With that, he shoved the jade bracelet back to Qin Ya.

Chen Hao had no choice but to go along with his lies seeing the awkwardness of the scene. He just could not take back what he had offered someone as a gift.

As for Qin Ya, she was staring at Chen Hao with her eyes widened.

This jade bracelet is extremely valuable. I bet this must be the most expensive thing from his family. Does he really want to give it to me just like this?

At the thought of this, Qin Ya’s heart was filled with warmth.

As for Li Yue, he was exasperated.

He was thrown into a humiliating situation that he did not expect to be in.

It was especially awful as the girl he admired most was around. If he stayed on any longer, he would be in a much more embarrassing situation.

Shooting a vicious glare toward Chen Hao, Li Yue stomped off angrily.

No doubt, Chen Hao was reluctant to stay there any longer too.

He wanted a quick end to the matter. Therefore, he decided to skip breakfast.

Otherwise, the scene would get even more awkward.

With an excuse, he descended the stairs and left.

“Chen Hao, stop right there!”

With the jade bracelet given by Chen Hao in her hand, Qin Ya made a dash downstairs.

She put on a shy look before giving the jade bracelet back to Chen Hao and said, “What do you mean by giving me this? Why do you give me your grandmother’s bracelet? Moreover, my broken bracelet wasn’t worth this much as well!”

“Ah? I mean nothing by that. Just take it as a compensation!”

It would simply be too embarrassing for him to even ask her whether she would like to exchange it with another bracelet that cost fifty thousand.

“What’s that? This is the most valuable thing from your family. Moreover, your grandmother had left this bracelet to you. Surely she had meant it for her future granddaughter-in-law. Why are you even giving me this? When you left earlier, did you know what Zhao Tongtong and the other girls said?”

Qin Ya’s face went slightly red.

Being a classy beauty, a lot of guys were interested in Qin Ya. However, only a handful of them had managed to move her heart.

Qin Ya was not interested in Chen Hao right away after receiving the Cloud of Dragon Jade Bracelet from him.

She was slightly moved by his gesture, but at the same time, an indescribable feeling grew in her heart toward Chen Hao who had helped her before.

To her, Chen Hao was a very honest and genuine man. He was quite a rare breed.

He was studious and very hardworking.

She was really impressed by his personality.

Chen Hao asked, “What did Zhao Tongtong and the girls say?”

“I have no idea…” Qin Ya rolled her eyes at him before continuing, “Anyway, please take this back. It’s too valuable and I won’t accept it.”

“Please keep it. We are going to graduate soon. When the next semester begins, there will be less opportunity to stay in school. I am afraid I won’t have the chance to compensate you then.” Chen Hao smiled bitterly.

“Tehee! ”

Qin Ya found his words hilarious and said, “Chen Hao, do you really hate the feeling of owing to others?”

“Yes, yes!” Chen Hao nodded his head.

“Very well then, I will keep this in my possession first, and return it to you when you plan to get married!”

The corners of Qin Ya’s mouth revealed a slight grin.


Seeing that Qin Ya had finally accepted his gift, he thought that the whole incident had come to an end. And so, he turned around and left.


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