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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 199

“What is it?”

“Tell me, why were you avoiding me the past few days? You have to be honest with me! Could it be...you have a girlfriend now?” Qin Ya asked experimentally.

Qin Ya knew that Chen Hao didn’t have a good background, and just like Tong Tong and the others said, he was incredibly boring. So how could he have a girlfriend?

“Yup, I have a girlfriend!” Chen Hao nodded.

Qin Ya had misunderstood him in the first place. Yes, Chen Hao wasn’t so narcissistic to think that Qin Ya would like someone like him, but the reason he was avoiding her was, in fact, because of his girlfriend!

“Huh? You’re kidding, right?”

She didn’t know why, but Qin Ya’s heart suddenly wrenched in pain.

“I’m not kidding. I really have a girlfriend now. Her name is Su Tongxin, and she’s a broadcasting student. We’ve been dating for about two months now, but two days ago she went to Hong Kong to study!” Chen Hao smiled.

“Oh, so that's what happened? I was just thinking, why were you always avoiding me? Turns out you had a girlfriend. Not bad! This also means you're taking her pretty seriously!” Qin Ya said.

“That’s right. I really like her, and she also cares a lot about me!”

“Oh, then you should go to the medical office yourself. I won’t follow you, in case your girlfriend misunderstands anything. Apart from that, I’ll tell my dad about you helping me beat those people up and he’ll take care of things! Bye!”

Qin Ya waved excitedly and walked away.


Chen Hao didn’t know why Qin Ya’s reactions from before and after were so different.

But he didn’t really pay attention. Since he was reaching the medical office anyway, he went in by himself to get his injuries bandaged.

After getting bandaged, he called Tian Long and Di Hu and asked them to go deal with the Shen family.

Chen Hao had learned as he went along. Whenever he was offended, regardless of how big or small the matter was, he liked to make the first move.

This way, he could save a lot of trouble for himself.

After bandaging his injuries, Chen Hao prepared to go back to the dormitory and sleep.

“Chen Hao!”

At that moment, the medical office door opened.

It was Qin Ya, who was holding onto a bag of fruits.

“For you!”

Qin Ya said in a slightly huffy manner.

To be honest, Qin Ya really didn’t understand her own emotions right now.


No matter from which angle she thought about it from, Qin Ya did not have to treat Chen Hao like this.

But who knew? Sometimes, affection was hard to understand and make sense of.

Qin Ya didn’t even know when she started feeling a strange kind of affection toward Chen Hao.

She just wanted to see him, understand him, and spend time with him.

Maybe it was when Chen Hao gave her that jade bracelet. That jade bracelet was his family heirloom, and giving it to her must have been a form of confessing to her.

Wasn’t a 'confession' a way to increase the affection someone felt for another?

It might come from a stranger, or maybe a best friend.

The moment they confessed, the relationship between the two would definitely start to change.

If the other person didn’t particularly dislike you, then the relationship between the two would also start to feel more romantic.

Obviously, Qin Ya was like that right now.

She had already felt thankful and curious toward Chen Hao, and now with his confession, Qin Ya couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be together with him.

She felt as though Chen Hao would treat her really well.

But this sort of expectation was way too different from reality, and a girl as competitive as Qin Ya would want to achieve that expectation, no matter how outlandish.

Of course, the premise of everything was that this person was attractive enough for a girl to feel interested in them in the first place.

That was why Qin Ya got onto Li Yue’s car yesterday. She had wanted to see if Chen Hao would get agitated by it.

That was also why Qin Yafelt slightly sad when she heard that Chen Hao already had a girlfriend.

And that was also why Qin Ya left initially, but returned after buying fruits for Chen Hao!

“You went to buy fruits for me?”


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