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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 77

Chen Hao was alarmed by the screams.

He dashed there without any delay.

The area around the city moat was bleak and desolate. There were no park or recreational facilities.

That woman’s face was covered in tears and her clothes were drenched.

As soon as she saw Chen Hao, she almost kneeled down. “Quick, please rescue my daughter!”

She was fine-looking. Judging from the jewelry she wore, it seemed like she was someone reputable.

She pointed at the river frantically. Chen Hao saw a little girl flailing in the water.

It was clear that this woman rushed to rescue her daughter when her daughter fell into the water. However, this woman could not swim, causing her to scream for help gracelessly.

Chen Hao noticed that the struggles of the little girl had faltered and she was sinking under the water.

He knew that the little girl didn’t have much time.

Without hesitation, he ran forward and jumped into the river.

Chen Hao lived in a small village at the outskirts of town when he was young. There was a river in the village where Chen Hao learned to swim.

Fortunately, this area of the city moat was not deep.

On top of that, the little girl might have learned some basic swimming skills previously, so Chen Hao managed to rescue the little girl.

When the little girl was dragged out of the water, she coughed out some water. Her face was red due to the suffocation.

Her mother was worried to death. She patted on the little girl’s back while thanking Chen Hao repeatedly.

“We should call 120!”

“Absolutely, the girl is too young. Geez, how could you let your child go near the water without your supervision?”

Several residents came after they heard the noises.

Some of them were busy calling for aid while a few women reproached the young mother.

“Please don’t blame my mother. Uncles and aunties, it’s not my mother’s fault, it was me who insisted on putting the wishing boat into the river. My mother did not do anything wrong!” The little girl, named Tian, defended her mother when she heard that her mother was being criticized.

“What an obedient child!”

“Indeed, such a sweetie. Madam, you should keep an eye on your child. If it wasn’t for this young man, the consequences might have been disastrous!”

“Young man, you’re a hero!”

The residents looked at the bedraggled Chen Hao with laud.

The mother held the hand of the frail little girl and brought her to Chen Hao.

“Young man, thank you so much. What is your name and where do you live?” She asked for Chen Hao’s address so that she could reward him.

Chen Hao understood, but he refused to accept any reward. Chen Hao believed that most of the people would do the same if they were in his place. Thus, he waved his hands and rejected.

“No worries, it’s better if you send your daughter to the hospital as soon as possible!”

Chen Hao gradually walked out of the crowd while he was speaking.

“Big brother, can we meet again?” Tian suddenly spoke feebly. She felt like she was at the brim of death just moments ago. She was petrified but Chen Hao had jumped to her rescue regardless of his own safety and it brought a light of hope to her. Hence, she asked him softly.

“We will!” Chen Hao did not want to let the little girl down. He smiled and left, ignoring the calls of the young mother.

This incident was just a short interlude.

Chen Hao ran back to the roadside.

It had been 20 minutes since Su Tongxin went to buy milk tea.

Su Tongxin must have completed her purchase now.

However, there was no sight of Su Tongxin at the roadside.


Why did she take so long to buy a drink?

He took out his phone. It was all wet. He realized it had switched off due to the water.

Perhaps Su Tongxin went back to the car dealer shop alone after she failed to reach me.

He went to search for her in the milk tea cafe but she was not there.

Chen Hao could only return to the car dealer shop to try his luck.

At this moment, Wang Qiang called him.

He called to inform Chen Hao that the car repair had been completed.

40 minutes was sufficient for a few professional technicians to replace the damaged parts of the car.

“Manager Wang, did the girl who came with me go back to this shop?”

“Huh? She’s not here! After she left with you, she did not come back! What happened, Young Master Chen? Is there any trouble? I’ll be at your service!”

“Thanks, Manager Wang. It’s nothing!”

Chen Hao hung up the phone. He was perplexed. That’s strange, where would Su Tongxin have gone?

It was not possible that she had gone back. She would not leave without him.

She was not here, and she was not at the car dealer shop either.


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