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The Promise of Happiness (Natalie and Samuel) novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114 


A glint of hope appeared in Xavians eyes, but it quickly disappeared

He then muttered, No, Clayton. Its impossible.” 

Xavian, how can you give up hope before weve even done a paternity test?Claytons brows furrowed as he continued, Think about it. Since both of us look alike with Mr. Bowers, its possible that hes our father.” 

But Mr. Bowers has children of his own.Xavian added solemnly, He has a pair of twins. A boy and a girl. Plus, they‘re also fiveyearolds like us.” 

Just like that, the flame of hope in Claytons heart became extinguished

DDidnt you mention that Mr. Bowers is single?” 

Yes. Mr. Bowers is single, but he has children...” Xavian patted his brothers shoulder and added, Mommy would have slipped up and eventually told us if he is actually our biological father. And, according to my observation, they just met recently. There is no way they knew each other before we were even born.” 

A solemn look shrouded over the boysfaces

While the two loved their mother dearly, they secretly yearned to have a father to complete their family

Unfortunately, they never managed to track their biological father down, despite searching for a long time

Although they knew Samuel was unlikely their father, they could not help but want him to be

At that moment, a voice spoke from behind them. Clayton, shouldnt you be at the filming set in Xenhall? What are you doing here?” 

Xavian and Clayton turned around right away. With that, they saw Yara dressed in a white lace gown with her face covered in elegant makeup


Since Clayton had worked alongside Yara for a month on the filming set, he had gotten accustomed to Yaras face that greatly resembled his mother

Contrarily, Xavian widened his eyes in bewilderment because he didnt expect Yara to bear such a striking similarity to Natalie

My mom got admitted to this hospital. Im heading back to Xenhall now that Ive paid her a visit,Clayton explained. He then nudged Xavian with his elbow to snap the latter out of his thoughts

I see.Yara glanced at Xavian as she asked, And this person standing next to you is...” 

Hes my younger brother.Clayton added coldly, “What a coincidence. Im surprised that youre here and not working in Xenhall. It must be nice to go out and about. Unlike you, Ive been rehearsing my lines with a middleaged actor all week on set.” 

Clayton was remarkably sly, despite being a young boy

He intentionally provoked Yara because he knew that she was Natalies enemy

Yara stiffened because everyone in the film crew had always pampered her. Even the director and the producers had to agree with her requests

The only exception was Clayton, who would always behave disrespectfully and snarkily toward her

There were times when Yara wanted to punish him but couldnt because her manager advised against it, saying that she would seem petty for getting all worked up over a childs mindless actions

What are you implying?Yara glared at him

I’m merely telling the truth.Claytons eyes narrowed as he asked, Why? Is there something wrong with what I said?” 

Heres a word of advice for you. The Im an innocent childact wont protect you forever.” 

Protect me?Clayton raised a brow and boldly retorted, So, are you suggesting that youre a scary monster whos out to get me? Is that why I need protecting from you?” 


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