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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 36

Olivia POV

Today I have my interview and I need to get this job. I can see on the news what is happening to Lucas. I can’t feel bad for him. I honestly wish I was a better person and feel bad for him but I can’t. He deserves everything bad that is happening to him. The charges of money laundering, the fire. The sexual assault charges he is facing because of what he did to me. He is a pig and he has to pay for it.

Karma is a bitch.

I jump in the shower. After washing my hair and getting myself sorted I put my body moisturizer and do my facial skin routine.

I put on a red set of underwear. It’s all lace and I love it. It makes me feel empowered. No one can see it but I know it’s there.

I put on a dark blue pencil skirt and a white shirt that I tuck inside the skirt. I put a set of red high heels and I grab my purse and my blazer with the same color as the skirt.

I look at the mirror and I just put some lipstick and mascara on.

I am not in the mood for makeup. I spray some of my KKW perfume and I walk out of my new flat towards the subway.

On my way to Columbia University. I left almost 2 hours earlier. I don’t want to be late and I rather sit on a Starbucks and wait for my interview than to rush and arrive on time. It’s always good to cause a good impression arriving a little earlier than the time booked.

As I walk towards the big building where my interview is going to be a girl comes towards me and asks me for a lighter.

“Sorry I don’t smoke” - I say while I keep walking.

I recognize that girl from somewhere but I can’t put my finger on it. I look back and she is following me. I start walking a little faster and I feel her pulling my hair.

“You bitch” - she screams at me

“Let go of me” - I shout back

“You ruined everything, and now you are going to pay for it” - she says letting go of my hair and slapping me in the face.

I let out a gasp with the shock of that slap. My purse falls on the floor and I lift my hands in front of my body showing her I am no threat. I try and calm her down while I look around and a group of people start to surround us.

“I called 911” - I heard someone say

“Hey, I don’t know who you are and why you think I ruined your life but I am sorry” - I say

“Because of you, he doesn’t want anything with me, you ruined his life you bitch”

I am confused as I don’t know what she is talking about. She takes a gun out of her pocket and points it at me.

Everyone starts screaming and people start running away. One guy starts to get closer.

“GET AWAY OR I’LL SHOOT THIS BITCH” - she shouts at everyone

“Hey” - I say still with my hands lifted so she can see I have no weapons on me - “you don’t need to do this, whatever this is about we can sort it out”

The guy grabs a gun from the back of his jeans and I look at him for a second

“Put your gun down” - I tell him

“Put your gun down or I’ll shoot you” - he says to the girl.

“No you won’t “ - she says and everything goes black after I hear a gunshot and I feel a sharp pain on my left shoulder.

I wake up with a sharp pain in my shoulder and I can hear the beeping typing from the hospital. I can smell it as well.

I open my eyes slowly to find Anna sitting on a chair next to my bed. She is asleep.


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