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The Silent Alpha novel Chapter 1


Four Years Ago....

Up until this morning, my life had been quite simple.I was the Alpha'’s human mate.I was his Luna.I was his wife.

And then, in a blink of an eye, I was nothing...

A surge of pain ripples from my abdomen as I wait for the doctor to return with my test results.I've been getting these pains a lot recently and they are starting to freak me out.

Doctor Lila said it was all in my head, that I was simply putting too much pressure on myself to get pregnant.She couldn't have been more wrong.

I grip the edge of the table, whimpering to myself as I let the pain roll through on its own.

The walls feel as though they are closing in on me at the thought of receiving another negative test result.

Christian and I had been trying for several months now and I could feel it driving a wedge between us.

He was colder, distant.

I knew how much he wanted a son and it hurt to know I was failing so miserably to make him happy.

The door swings open and I nearly fall off the table from the fright sanitizer on her hands as she settles down on her chair.I could hear my heart pounding against my ribcage at an unnatural speed as I wait for her to speak.

"Just breathe, Luna," she smiles, inhaling slowly with me and reaching for my hands.

My hands were trembling but I manage to calm down.

Doctor Lila's smile deepens.

"Congratulations, Luna," she says, placing her hand on my tummy.

"You're carrying our little Alpha in there." My heart skips a beat as I process the news. I'm pregnant! Oh my gosh, I'm pregnant! 

""H-how far along?" I whisper, barely able to string together a sentence from holding back the sob in my throat.

"Well, let's find out, shall we?" she smiles, pulling the ultrasound machine out and squirting cold gel on my belly.

Butterflies dance in my stomach as I stare at the screen, unable to read the images but hoping somewhere in that black and white mess my little Alpha would show up.

"Well, I'd say from the looks of it, about four weeks, which means we have to start your prep immediately, Luna," she says sternly, handing me some documents.

"A werewolf pregnancy is very dangerous for a human.We'll have to take extra precautions." 

She wipes the gel off my stomach and gives me a crash course on rub my belly the entire ride home, still on cloud nine from the news.I couldn't wait to tell Christian.

He was going to be so happy about this.

As I pull up to the pack house, the pain once again returns and I sit still in the car for a minute to let it pass, clenching my teeth together to keep from screaming.

Slowly, I drag myself out of the car and through the front door of the house.

I'm usually met with several omegas eager to take my things, but the house was eerily quiet and empty.I don't have time to question it when a burning sensation spreads across my chest, making every breath I take unbearable.I couldn't scream even if I wanted to, my lungs on fire.I climb up the stairs to the second floor, looking forward to lying down and resting.

My every step is more difficult than the last as the pain intensifies, a thousand tiny needles piercing through my stomach.

From where I stood at the top of the stairs, I could see the door to my room slightly cracked open, a strange muffled sound coming from within.

As linch closer, an unmistakable scene unfolds before me, my blood boiling at the sight.

Peeking through the door, I see my sister, Vanessa, riding my husband, a look of sheer delight on the contorted features of her face.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Christian!" She moans, eagerly bouncing up and down his shaft moves her up and down his c**k.

"f**k!" she whimpers, bouncing frantically.

"Please!" she begs.

"I'll give you the pup you deserve.I'll be your Luna." 

Tears burn my eyes as I watch him flip her over, forcing her up on her knees so that her ass was on full display for him.He gives her cheeks a good spanking before railing into her from behind.

My heart shatters as I hear Christian's reply.

"Give.Me.A.Pup." he pants between thrusts, Vanessa’s moans growing louder as she orgasms.

My pain reaches a crescendo as I watch him empty his seed inside her and I place my hand over my mouth to keep myself quiet.

"And ll make you my Luna," he whispers.

I didn't need to see anymore of this grotesque encounter and slowly back away from the room and tiptoe down the stairs, their climax ringing in my ears.I nearly sprint out of the house, still clutching my pregnancy test in my hands as I climb into my car.I didn’t know where I was going, but I put my car in drive and speed off down the driveway.

It all made so much more sense now.

All the pain, all the anguish I felt...

was because Christian was betraying our bond, our love.

Everyone, my mate, my gamma, the doctor, the other she-wolves and the omegas, all of them had told me it was all in my head.

That I was just stressed and needed to relax mate’s betrayal, and yet they kept it from me, to mock me for being so absolutely clueless.I had been so stupid to believe any of them ever cared about me.

Wolves only care about wolves and no matter my title, I was still only a human to them, an outsider.

To make matters worse, the betrayal came from none other than my own sister, my own blood.I had brought Vanessa to our pack after I mated with Christian.

She had known Christian before I had and it was she who introduced us to each other.

Christians had no objections to her joining the pack and with our parents gone, I wanted to keep her close.She was the only family I had left.

After today, we were nothing.I drive on for miles through the forest, feeling the pain start all over again.

At some point, a horrid sensation burns across my body and I pull over, stumbling out of the car to empty the contents of my stomach.

I was truly a pitiful sight and I was suddenly grateful Jordan, my gamma, was busy leading a training session today.I needed to be alone and I knew if he saw me like this, he'd be attached to my hip.

Gammas were extremely overprotective, Jordan being no exception.

Alone, angry, humiliated and pregnant, I climb back into my car, wiping the tears on my face with my sleeve.

I had been Luna for over two years and while I was human; I had done everything that had been asked of me.I was the calm to Christian's anger.I was the mother everyone turned to in crisis.I was Derek, were away.I had been a good Luna...and I did not deserve this pain.

"Come on, Tali," I scold myself, tapping my steering wheel.

"No more tears.Not for them." 

I'm about to start the car again when I catch a glimpse of my pregnancy test I had tossed in the passenger seat.I look down at my flat stomach and realize no one beside Doctor Lila and I knew I was pregnant...And it was going to stay that way.

Mate or not, I would never tolerate infidelity.


But I knew Christian would never let me go if he knew I was carrying his child.

He needed his heir.With renewed determination, I start the car and head to the town library where I spend the next two hours formulating my plan.

I scour the web for fertility tests, recreating my own version with which to trick Christian.

If he thought I could not give him a child, he would easily seek to break our bond and that's exactly what I wanted.

Mate bonds, once formed through a marking, were hard to break, but not impossible.

There were two ways to break it: (1) Have a Spirit Witch divide our mated souls or (2) Get the approval of the pack elders and hold a rejection ceremony.

It would be humiliating to be stripped of my title but it was better than remaining by my unfaithful husband’s side as his Luna.


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