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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108

When Rachel exited the hospital, the sky was already dark.


A familiar voice from behind her caught her by surprise. Instinctively, she turned around and saw Janice.

The woman was holding a thermal container and had just left the parking lot. She seemed to be walking toward the inpatient department.

“Have you come to see Hans?”

Rachel shook her head and frowned.

There’s something I have to deal with here.

“To think I expected you to have thought it through.” Suddenly, Janice’s face turned gloomy. “What did you say to Hans that made him drop the lawsuit out of nowhere? He’s returning for further treatment at the end of the month.”

However, Rachel revealed nothing.

Despite the guilt in her heart, she didn’t know how to explain things to Janice. Perhaps in this case, saying nothing was the best choice as a late apology could never justify one’s mistakes.

“Where are you headed to?”


Janice nodded her head and said, “I see. Coincidentally, Hans wanted me to hand you something, but since you’re already here, why don’t you go and get it from him instead?”

Upon hearing that, Rachel was taken aback.

When she saw how the woman hesitated, Janice vented her frustration and said, “He’s leaving soon. Aren’t you going to see him even for a bit? Where’s your heart, Rachel?”

I don’t mean it like that.

“In that case, what are you waiting for?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Janice put the container in Rachel’s hand.

With that, Rachel entered the ward with the container in hand.

Janice was right-Hans was leaving soon, and it was only right for her to see him for one last time.

In the ward, Hans was seen reading a book by the window while sitting in a wheelchair-the sight pained her deeply.

When she saw him, Rachel zoned out and stood by the door for a long while.

As if he had a detector in his brain, Hans suddenly turned around and saw Rachel by the door. He was stunned, but his eyes lit up. “Rachel?”

In that instant, Rachel felt like she was carrying the weight of ten elephants. Eventually, she started walking into the room.

Janice wanted me to give this to you. She said that you’re leaving at the end of this month.

When Hans’ eyes fell on the container, they dimmed slightly.

“Yes, the doctor suggested overseas treatment. We’ve even contacted the hospital I’ll be heading to.”

That’s good to hear.

Hans grabbed a wooden box from a bag beside him and handed it to Rachel. “By the way, I believe this should be returned to its rightful owner.”

As she stared at the wooden box, Rachel was devastated inside.

Back when she decided to fake her death and escape, she had gotten Hans to help her safekeep the wooden box as it was the only thing her mother had left behind for her.

Thank you.

“I’ve dropped the lawsuit against Justin.”

She nodded her head and signed some gestures. I heard it from Janice.

“Do you have nothing else to say to me?”

Stay well when you go abroad for your treatment.

As she clutched the wooden box, Rachel turned around and left.

She feared that if she were to stay any longer, she wouldn’t be able to hold back her tears. By then, her emotions would flood the room, and it would be a hassle to control the situation.

Before she exited the room, the voice behind her exclaimed, “Rachel, I don’t believe that you’ve fallen for Justin, nor did you have me drop the lawsuit solely because you love him! Can’t you at least tell me the truth before I go?”

Upon those words, Rachel’s hand that was on the doorknob slightly trembled. However, she simply left the room in the end.

As she made her way home in a taxi, she clenched her teeth while her eyes turned red.

Watching as the hospital faded away from the view, she couldn’t hold in her tears any longer.



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