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The Sweet Rival (Mango Shen and Nathaniel Ye) novel Chapter 2077

Emberly had finally calmed Eugene down, while the Ye family was decorated with many things.

For the first time, Zion felt nervous.

This kind of nervousness was neither on the battlefield nor on the sea of merchants. To get married, he was so nervous that he was as stiff as a stick.

He felt that he was very embarrassing, but he did not care.

As long as he could marry his bride, nothing else mattered.

"Zion, it's okay for you to be nervous now. Don't be as nervous as you are now when you meet Evangeline later.”

As Louis spoke, he was slapped away by Zion.

Lucas raised the corner of his mouth and looked at him gloatingly.

Zion was very concerned about his proposal to Evangeline. Even the Mo family sent gifts over.

Evangeline never thought that one day she would really meet her beloved man who wanted to marry her. She was very happy.

Emily was already engaged to a grandson of an Elder of the Cabinet.

The other party's character was not bad and they knew each other on a blind date. The two of them could be considered as a political marriage, but they were still in the process of getting along.

Eugene hoped that his daughter could find true happiness, but Emily said that she had no time to date.

She had a lot of things to do, and love was too time- consuming. She didn't have much time to waste on such a boring thing.

The other party was pleasing to the eye. The two of them had interacted a few times and felt that it was not bad, so they were engaged.

Compared to Evangeline's heroicness, Emily's marriage was a little less complicated. However, that man was extremely nice to Emily.

Zion came to Eugene's place with the betrothal gifts, but Eugene put him in a dilemma and refused to let him in. In the end, Emberly pulled Eugene's ear and pulled him away. Zion just entered the door.

Eugene did not care at all about the fact that his wife had pinched his ear.

In front of everyone and media, Zion suddenly knelt down on one knee.

''My dear Princess Evangeline, will you marry me? From now on, you'll be on par with me and grow old with me. Are you willing?"

Zion's sudden proposal caused Eugene to be slightly taken aback.

"The patriarch of the Ye family only has such words?"

"The more simple your words are, the more sincere you are. You don't know anything. When you and I got married, you did not even say anything better than him."

Emberly directly retorted to Eugene.

Eugene was annoyed.

"How did Zion trick my wife? How did he manage to make Emberly protect him like this?" Eugene thought.

Eugene glared hatefully at Zion.

For him, any man who wanted to marry his daughter was a bad person.

Zion couldn't be bothered with Eugene's gaze at all. He looked at Evangeline and waited nervously.

Evangeline had been waiting for this moment for more than 20 years, so she was naturally happy. She nodded and happily took the diamond ring that Zion gave her.

The people around suddenly became lively, and the noise was continuous.


Anton and Esmeralda were the first to shout. Eugene was so angry. He couldn't suppress those young people anymore. One by one, they threw Zion and Evangeline into the sky and caught them again.

The marriage of the head of the Ye family and the First Princess of Y Country was noticed by everyone.

Rita took the opportunity to slip out. She took Mylo's hand and said with a smile, "My brother is engaged. If everything goes well, he will get married in less than a month."

"He is the head of the Ye family, so his wedding is naturally important."

Mylo said with a smile.

In this kind of atmosphere, it could really make people happy and make everyone believe in love again.

Rita tugged at his sleeve and asked, "What about you? Have you ever been noticed by everyone?"

Mylo was slightly stunned.

Chapter 2077 (end) 1

Chapter 2077 (end) 2


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