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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 196

Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 196 – We’re finished!

Zack’s head was spinning. He dared not look at the young girl.

Ten percent? That is almost as good as nothing! The Rogers are d**d meat.

Suddenly, someone blurted, “This is too complicated, it would be useless sending him to the hospital, I’m afraid the chances are even less than 1 o percent.”

Shelly grimaced. Who would be so arrogant to speak that way? She was the only doctor here, her words should mean something. If the old man was not sent to the hospital, did you expect him to d*e here? At least there was hope at the hospital!

She turned around furiously to see who said that. Darryl?!

She suddenly felt embarrassed. She was not wearing make-up today. After the last encounter with Darryl, she trusted him deeply as he made her feel safe. He must have his reasons for insisting not to send the old man to the hospital.

The crowd gasped and turned to Darryl. Who was this person? Could he be a famous person in the medical world? He also said that the pill was ineffective and dangerous, and it turned out to be true!

“Who are you?” asked the young girl. She glared at Darryl and asked flatly, “Since you advised me not to send my grandfather to the hospital, do you have a better solution?”

Darryl laughed, then approached the old man. After some observations, he said, “Doctor Shelly was right, your grandfather has a blockage in his brain, but his condition is a little speciaL”

He added, “Hospital surgery is useless because the ineffective Godly pill still has its poison in it. The poison affects the flow of the blood, furthermore, the equipment at the hospital won’t be able to detect it.


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