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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1489

Registus thought about it and said, “Andrius, based on what you said, it’s unlikely that the person who appeared at the critical moment and rescued Norvin is the Progenitor Emperor.

“After all, the ancient martial families like the Swallows have always been a thorn in Florence’s side. They abuse their power to bully others, cause turmoil, and tarnish Florence’s reputation. The Progenitor Emperor wouldn’t save such people.”

Andrius smiled wryly. “I hope it’s not the Progenitor Emperor.”

If it were really the Progenitor Emperor, things would become troublesome.

Andrius thought about it but could not come up with any conclusion. “Registus, take me to the library. I want to see if I can find any information about the Progenitor Emperor.”


The two headed toward the library.

In the wilderness, a dark figure darted swiftly, covering vast distances with each leap.

Upon close inspection, the figure was carrying another person under their arm. It was the black-robed person who had rescued Norvin from Andrius.

After a while, the person found a cave and darted inside. He carefully placed the unconscious Norvin down and immediately began to heal him.

Half an hour passed.

“Phew...” The black-robed person let out a long breath.

Norvin slowly opened his eyes.

He assessed the situation and instantly understood what happened, then quickly expressed his gratitude to the black-robed person, “Thank you for saving my life. I’m deeply grateful. If you have any instructions, I’ll do my best to fulfill them!”


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