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Their Bundle Of Joy novel Chapter 33

“Adam, why are you here?” With just a glance and a sound, Isabel can tell that the person was Adam.

His voice and mannerisms were different from Aiden.

Adam smirked and his trademark smile attracted the attention of the opposite sex.

It must be said that he exudes the stature of a movie star.

Every action was like an A-list star, unlike Aiden.

“Didn’t you sign the agreement? Unless you want to renege?”

“Agree… agreement?” Isabel didn’t react fast enough.

“Humph, it’s all Aiden’s fault to only let Daniel act during the weekends. He still had to attend kindergarten on Mondays to Fridays. But the scenes need a child actor and we are delayed and are up to our neck. In the past, the supporting actors have to work around the lead actor and actress’s schedule because they are the money earners. But now I Adam need to work around Daniel’s time.” Adam said with his teeth clenched.

Isabel apologized, “The child is still young, I’m sorry.”

When she answered, what flashed through her brain was if Adam knew that Daniel was his son, would he pressurize him the same way?

That was a moment that she really wanted to tell Adam that the child was his but she decided not to at the last moment.

“Daddy, Mommy.” Daniel rushed over excitedly when he saw Adam and Isabel.

The child was like Isabel, though Adam and Aiden looked identical, with one look he could tell Adam apart from Aiden.

Adam was full of warmth whereas Aiden was icy cold that even strangers will stay away from him.

But, Aiden wasn’t the same as a week ago.

Once his status as the director of Howard Group was revealed, that also removed Aiden’s veil of secrecy.

Because of Isabel, Aiden went from an unknown personality in T City until he was now a household name.

This “Daddy”, melted Adam’s angry heart and pushed Isabel away and carried Daniel up high, “I haven’t seen you for a week, have you grown?”

“Yes, I weighed myself before coming out. I’ve put on half a KG.”

Isabel didn’t believe, “Did you drink a few glasses of water before weighing yourself?”

Then it seemed like he had put on weight but it was just the water in his body.

This child said this just to please her.

Daniel shook his head, “No, I didn’t drink any water, absolutely not.” He would not admit it even he drank. He likes this kindergarten.

Sage United School was an open teaching concept and all according to his abilities. He can learn as he wishes. In fact, he could skip to the most senior class and attend the lessons which he enjoyed.

That’s why he must not let Isabel worry and change the kindergarten.


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