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There He Is Again, My Ex-Husband (Julian and Amelia) novel Chapter 95

It was Ezra who called him. In fact, it was he who asked Ezra to call him at the time they agreed in advance because he knew that he and Randolph would have an unpleasant conversation tonight.

Julian answered the phone, "Thank you, Ezra."

Ezra said lazily, "It doesn't matter."

Ezra continued to say, "Randolph has a good relationship with Deputy Mayor Peterson, who is in charge of the cultural industry. I think that you will meet lots of difficulties in this industry in the future."

After the production of all the film and television entertainment projects, they had to be approved. If Randolph wanted to make trouble to him, all the projects of HGH couldn't come into the market easily and timely.

Julian also thought of these things. While walking, he said with a cold face, "The current Hughes Group is not the same as that of in charge of by my father, which needs to depend on some people and officials to survive."

Grandpa Hughes, Gerhard and Julian were three-generation leaders of the Hughes Family, but Gerhard was the least competent.

Grandpa Hughes was clever and brave and had the ability to lead the Hughes Family, but Gerhard was weak in terms of leadership and decision-making ability.

Moreover, Gerhard was dissolute and had many lovers.

Because Gerhard wanted to divorce Heather, she couldn't stand it and made it public. In fact, Heather also knew that Gerhard had many lovers.

Therefore, when Gerhard took charge of the Hughes Group, he had to rope in some people in exchange for the Hughes Group's interests.

Julian was the most capable leader among them. He not only had his Grandpa Hughes' courage, but also had his own wisdom and strategy. In these years, the Hughes Group developed rapidly under his leadership.

So he said confidently, "If Randolph wants to make trouble to me, I will destroy his backers and uproot them."

Ezra exclaimed, "Are you going to do something big?"

Julian said, "I don't want to be manipulated by others."

When Julian came out the restaurant, he glanced at Randolph's luxury car, and said, "Riverside City should be the world of the young people."

"You're right." Ezra smiled happily, "Those old guys should be eliminated."

He hated those old guys very much who even wanted to intervene in others marriages.

Damn it!

Those old guys not only wanted to intervene in Julian's marriage, but also his marriage.

Ezra said, "I don't think that you eat enough. Do you eat with me together?"

Julian refused, "No."

Ezra snorted, "Do you go to find Emelia?"

After saying goodbye to Ezra, Julian got into the car and drove away.

It all depended on Randolph's choice.

If Randolph agreed that he broke up with Yvonne, the relationship between the Sullivan family and the Hughes Family could still be maintained.

If he didn't agree it, they would be hostile.

As for Randolph's supporters, he didn't mind destroying them together. Otherwise, did he allow them to bully him?

In Nina's house.

Three girls were eating dinner happily.

When Maisie heard the car sound outside, she asked, "Won't Mr. Johansen come here tonight?"

Last time, Viggo suddenly came and took good care of Emelia. As a trusted subordinate of Julian, Maisie really couldn't stand it.

She hoped that Viggo would not come here tonight, or she would feel worried for her boss.

Nina teased, "Why are you so nervous? Are you secretly in love with Mr. Johansen?"

"No!" Maisie denied it immediately.

Nina giggled.


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